Fully Observable Environments

Environments in which an agent has complete access to all relevant, necessary information through the sensors for decision-making at every point in time are known as fully observable environments. In other words, the agent can directly perceive all relevant information necessary for decision-making without any ambiguity or uncertainty. The completeness of observation ensures that the agent knows every aspect of the environment that is pertinent to selecting an appropriate action. The relevance of information is determined by the performance measure, which specifies the criteria for evaluating the agent’s actions.

In a fully observable environment, the agent does not need to maintain an internal state to keep track of the world because all relevant information is readily available through its sensors. This characteristic simplifies the decision-making process for the agent, as it can base its actions solely on the current state of the environment without needing to consider past states extensively or predict future states. Fully observable environments are convenient for AI systems because they facilitate straightforward strategies and often lead to deterministic behaviour, allowing agents to efficiently navigate and interact with the environment.

Characteristics of Fully Observable Environments

  1. Complete Access: Agents have unrestricted access to the entire state of the environment at any given time.
  2. No Hidden Information: There are no hidden or unobservable states, allowing agents to perceive all relevant aspects directly.
  3. Clarity in Decision-Making: With complete information available, decision-making is straightforward and deterministic.
  4. Minimal Memory Requirement: Agents do not need to maintain extensive internal states or histories of past observations.
  5. Efficient Strategies: Agents can employ reactive strategies, responding efficiently to immediate stimuli without complex computations or memory management.

Challenges of Fully Observable Environments

Do not work for complex applications because real-life situations do not happen in a controlled way.

Arises a risk of overfitting, where the model learns to perform well on training data but fails to generalize to unseen data.

Note: Playing chess can be partially observable if the opponent is not playing for a win.

Example of Fully observable environments

Fully observable environments are well-suited for AI applications with small and well-defined state spaces. Examples include classic board games like chess and tic-tac-toe. In these environments, algorithms such as depth-first search, breadth-first search, and Q-learning can effectively navigate and exploit available information, enabling straightforward decision-making based on complete information.

Fully Observable vs. Partially Observable Environment in AI

In AI, an environment serves as an external stimulus to which the agent perceives and reacts. Through sensors, an agent receives input from the environment, and through actuators, it executes actions. The environment sets the conditions for the agent to achieve its goals.

For instance, in the case of an autonomous vehicle, factors like road conditions, traffic, weather, and speed limits are considered. In essence, the environment presents a problem to which the agent seeks to provide a solution. It determines a condition for an agent to reach its goal.

In short, an environment is a problem to which the agent is a solution.

Task environments in AI can be categorized into several fundamental types, aiding in the design of agents based on specific techniques. One such categorization includes fully observable and partially observable environments.

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Fully Observable Environments

Environments in which an agent has complete access to all relevant, necessary information through the sensors for decision-making at every point in time are known as fully observable environments. In other words, the agent can directly perceive all relevant information necessary for decision-making without any ambiguity or uncertainty. The completeness of observation ensures that the agent knows every aspect of the environment that is pertinent to selecting an appropriate action. The relevance of information is determined by the performance measure, which specifies the criteria for evaluating the agent’s actions....

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