Function overriding in Python

Function overriding comes to Python quite easily and it is also supported due to Python being a dynamic language. Inheritance makes it possible for subclasses to override methods from a superclass by mere demonstration. It is also possible to define classes in Python that feature an inheritance mechanism where subclasses can inherit and/or override methods of a parent class.

Below is the implementation of function overriding in Python:

class Animal:
    def make_sound(self):
        print("Animal makes a sound")

class Dog(Animal):
    def make_sound(self):
        print("Dog barks")

animal = Dog()
animal.make_sound() # Output: Dog barks

Dog barks

Explanation: In Python, function overriding is straightforward. The Dog class inherits from Animal and provides its own implementation of the make_sound() method. When make_sound() is called on a Dog object, it prints “Dog barks”.

Function overriding in programming

Function Overriding is a fundamental principle in object-oriented programming wherein the subclass implements a specific method that has been declared in the superclass. This concept would enable the method calls to be polymorphic where the same method call may behave differently depending on the object which initiated the method call. In this article, we will discuss the basics of Function Overriding along with its implementation in different languages.

Table of Content

  • What is Function overriding?
  • Function overriding in C++
  • Function overriding in Java
  • Function overriding in Python
  • Function overriding in C#
  • Function overriding in Javascript
  • Advantages of Function Overriding
  • Disadvantages of Function Overriding

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What is Function overriding?

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Function overriding in C++:

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Function overriding in Java:

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Function overriding in Python:

Function overriding comes to Python quite easily and it is also supported due to Python being a dynamic language. Inheritance makes it possible for subclasses to override methods from a superclass by mere demonstration. It is also possible to define classes in Python that feature an inheritance mechanism where subclasses can inherit and/or override methods of a parent class....

Function overriding in C#:

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Function overriding in Javascript:

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Advantages of Function Overriding:

Code Reusability: Method overriding enables subordinates to extend methods developed in superordinates. This helps in preventing the same piece of code from being written in different classes which deal with similar functionalities.Polymorphism: Overriding helps in achieving polymorphism as it allows different methods of the parent class to be invoked depending on the instance of the object that triggered the method. Modularity: Function overriding also encourages the concept of modularity in code design because it allows subclasses to override specific methods. Specialization: Method overriding can be defined as a process that allows the subclasses in object oriented programming to alter the behavior of the methods inherited from the super classes....

Disadvantages of Function Overriding:

Complexity: Using deep hierarchy inheritance in combination with function overriding of multiple levels may result in complexity of the source code. Maintenance Challenges: Function overriding will make code maintenance more complicated and a change to super class will affect all subclasses that override some methods in super class. Lack of Clarity: There are instances where overriding functions may hide the method and what they do, particularly if the methods implemented in the derived classes are entirely unique....


As such, function overriding is a very important aspect in the area of object-oriented programming because it provides a mechanism through which functionality could be provided by the subclasses of an object. This means the creation of code that can be reused, modularized, and demonstrated polymorphic behavior which helps in making the software extensible....