
User Authentication and Authorization

  • Companies that want to use the CRM Portal can register on the application and access the functionalities by signing in.
  • JWT, JsonWebToken and bcryptjs are some packages used for implementing smooth authorization.
  • Context API helps to maintain the state of the user that has logged in.

Adding Customers

  • The company can easily add new customers and details about them.
  • A form is created with the post method to implement this functionality. Status can be selected from a drop down.
  • The page navigates to the all customers page when a customer is created.

Customer Management:

  • Implementing functionalities to manage customer data such as name, email, phone number, and address. Allow users to add, view, update, and delete customer records.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System with Node.js and Express.js

CRM systems are important tools for businesses to manage their customer interactions, both with existing and potential clients. In this article, we will demonstrate how to create a CRM system using Node.js and Express. We will cover the key functionalities, prerequisites, approach, and steps required to create the project.

Output Preview:

Preview of the Project


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