Functions of Network Layer

Network Layer serves various important functions in the data transport mechanism. It is also responsible for the routing mechanism in which it selects the best path to transfer the data from source to it’s destination. It divides the entire data into smaller packets which eases the transfer procedure. It is also responsible for attaching the logical address to the devices between which the data transmission is happening, so that the packets reach correct destination and the destination can confirm that it is the same packet it was looking for. Some of the most important functions of the network layer is given below.

1. Assigning Logical Address

Network layer is solely responsible for assigning logical addresses to devices which are either sending or receiving data packets. It is useful to uniquely identify each devices in a certain network. The data packets sent or received consists the IP address of both the sender device and the receiver device. It is useful to confirm that the packets are sent or received by the desired parties. There are two part in an IP address, a Host ID and Network ID, using the Host ID it can be confirmed that the packets were sent by the authorized sender and it has successfully reached the desired receiver.

2. Routing

Routing is the process of identifying the best path to transmit the packets, Network Layer not only just sends packets from sender to receiver, but also determines the best route to send them. Numerous routers are used to find out the best and safest route to transmit the data packets. Various routing algorithms are used to determine the best path, like link state routing, Distance Vector Routing, Flooding, Random Walk etc. The header of each data packet holds the information regarding the path they need to follow to reach their destination via different routers. Usually there are multiple routers between the sender and the receiver, so the data packets are routed by using all these available routers.

3. Host-to-Host delivery

Host-to-Host delivery also known as Forwarding is the process in which the network layer transmits or forwards the data packets via routers, after determining the best path/route. In some cases it takes more than one router to reach the destination, Network Layer takes care of those too, it forwards packets from each router to the another router until it reaches the destination securely.

4. Logical Subnetting

Network Layer also allows a bigger network to be divided into smaller chunks of network known as Logical Subnetting. It helps the IP addresses to be used more efficiently and less amount of IP address will be wasted. It is also helpful to manage a larger network more efficiently. Due to smaller networks, it would be easier to find the device if any troubleshooting is needed.

5. Fragmentation and Reassembly

Each device / node has a maximum capacity to receive data (it may differ from Node to Node), which is called Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU). If the total size of data packets exceedes that size limit, then those data packets are fragmented into more smaller packets / fragmented so that they can fit the MTU. After fragmentation those packets are being send to the receiver, and at the receiving end all those fragmented packets are rearranged to create the actual data in order. The fragmentation is taken care by the routers.

6. Error Handling

Network Layer also check for errors and handles them. Network Layer uses various error detection techniques like Cylic Redundancy Check (CRC) , Checksums etc. Apart from just detecting, it also handle those errors using different approaches like Forward Error Correction (FEC), Hamming Code, Reed-Solomon Codes etc. It also re-transmit the packets which are either erroneous or didn’t reach the receiver. It uses the ACK messages to determine whether a packet has been successfully reached the receiver or not, if there is a Negative ACK, then it means that there is some error with the packet, and the receiver will ask the sender to resend that packet.

7. Quality of Service (QoS)

Network layer also keep track of the important data or the particular quality of data which is needed to be send first. Based on the QoS settings, it determines and prioritize the important data types which needed to be send first. It ensures that there is no delay in receiving the important data in any condition.

8. Network Address Translation (NAT)

Network Layer also takes care of the Network Address Translation (NAT), means that it converts any private IP address into a public IP address which is required to communicate between the sender and the receiver.

9. Congestion Control

Just like MTU, if there is an excessive load on the network which it can’t handle, the network become congested. Due to which the entire process of sending and receiving data comes to a pause. Congestion can be dealt with using different algorithms like Leaky Bucket Algorithm and Token Bucket Algorithm. In case of the leaky bucket algorithm, whatever might be the speed or amount of data flow into the bucket, the data leaks at a constant rate, which reduces the congestion in the network. In case of the Token Bucket Algorithm, tokens are being added into the bucket one by one, until it has reached the maximum capacity, then one by one according the token sequence each data packet is transmitted.

10. Encapsulation and Decapsulation

Network Layer encapsulates the data coming from the Transport Layer, and also adds important header parts to the packets, which consists of the necessary information like source IP address and destination IP address. After receiving the data packets on the destination side it decapsulates those and make them of original size.

Network Layer in OSI Model

OSI stands for Open Systems Interconnection. It was developed by the ISO – ‘International Organization for Standardization‘, in the year 1984. It is a 7-layer architecture with each layer having specific functionality to perform. All these 7 layers work collaboratively to transmit the data from one person to another across the globe.

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