Functions of Protocol

The main functions of Protocols are discussed below:

  • Establishment of Connection: There are two ways of data transfer, Connectionless or Connection-Oriented. Basically, services acquired by protocols are Connection-Oriented Services. It also helps during the transfer of large volumes of data. 
  • Encapsulation: A protocol describes how the data is encapsulated in packets. It is basically the process of distribution of one protocol to other. 
  • Data Transfer Management: It is simply the management of the flow of data to provide sequencing and matching.
  • Segmentation and Reassembly: Segmentation is the process of breaking data into smaller blocks and adding some extra information for peer use and Reassembly means when the upper-level protocol combines to get actual data when we remove control information sent by the sender.
  • Error Control: Error Control is simply the loss of data or sometimes damage in data upon transmission in data. It is implemented in two ways
    • Error Detection 
    • Retransmission of Data
  • Flow Control: The process of controlling the flow of data to limit the rate of data sent by transmitting frame. Techniques used for this method are Stop and Wait, etc. It is used to basically control the problems like data loss, data overloading, etc.
  • Multiplexing/Demultiplexing: Multiplexing is a technique generally used in the context of Addressing. It is basically of two types:
    • Upward Multiplexing
    • Downward Multiplexing
  • Addressing: Addressing is used during communication by defining addresses. The concept of Addressing is complex and includes addressing levels and addressing scope.

Elements of Network protocol

Pre-Requisite: Layers of OSI Model

Network Protocols are a set of guidelines governing the exchange of information in a simple, dependable, and secure way. Network protocols are formal standards and policies comprised of rules, methodology, and configurations that define communication between two or more devices over a network. To effectively send and receive information, devices on the two sides of a communication exchange must follow protocols.

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