Future Directions

We can improve our CNN model by adding more layers, and it is always preferred to have more dense layers instead of less wide layers. Future research directions in the text classification using CNNs include Attention Mechanisms, Multi-task learning, and Transfer learning.

Text classification using CNN

Text classification is a widely used NLP task in different business problems, and using Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs) has become the most popular choice. In this article, you will learn about the basics of Convolutional neural networks and the implementation of text classification using CNNs, along with code examples. Also, you’ll learn about CNN Architecture for Text Classification, Implementation steps, use cases and applications.

Table of Content

  • Text Classification using CNN
    • CNN for Text Classification
  • Text classification using CNN Implementation
  • Use Cases and Applications
  • Challenges and Considerations
  • Future Directions
  • Conclusion

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Text Classification using CNN

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Using Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs) for text classification is a powerful approach for classification of text and in this article we have explored everything like Text Classification, CNN Architecture for Text Classification, Implementation Steps, Use Cases and Applications, Performance Evaluation, Challenges and Considerations, Future Directions, Since Text Classification using CNNs is not an easy topic, Feel free to read the article again for better understanding....