getpass module provides two functions

Using getpass() function to prompt user password

Syntax: getpass.getpass(prompt=’Password: ‘, stream=None) 

The getpass() function is used to prompt to users using the string prompt and reads the input from the user as Password. The input read defaults to “Password: ” is returned to the caller as a string.

Example 1 : No Prompt provided by the caller 

Here, no prompt is provided by the caller. So, it is set to the default prompt “Password”. 


# A simple Python program to demonstrate
# getpass.getpass() to read password
import getpass
    p = getpass.getpass()
except Exception as error:
    print('ERROR', error)
    print('Password entered:', p)

Output : 

$ python3
('Password entered:', 'aditi')

Example 2: Security Question 

There are certain programs that ask for security questions rather than asking for passwords for better security. Here, the prompt can be changed to any value. 


# A simple Python program to demonstrate
# getpass.getpass() to read security question
import getpass
p = getpass.getpass(prompt='Your favorite flower? ')
if p.lower() == 'rose':
    print('The answer entered by you is incorrect..!!!')

Output :  

$ python3

Your favorite flower?

$ python3

Your favorite flower?
The answer entered by you is incorrect..!!!

getpass() and getuser() in Python (Password without echo)

getpass() prompts the user for a password without echoing. The getpass module provides a secure way to handle the password prompts where programs interact with the users via the terminal.

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getpass module provides two functions :

Using getpass() function to prompt user password...

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