Getting started with JavaScript for the backend

Use a JavaScript framework

Choose a JavaScript framework like Express.js, Koa.js, or Fastify to streamline backend development. These frameworks provide built-in features for routing, middleware, and handling HTTP requests, making it easier to build robust backend applications.

Choose the right database

Select a database that best suits your application requirements. JavaScript backends commonly use NoSQL databases like MongoDB for their flexibility and scalability. Alternatively, traditional relational databases like PostgreSQL or MySQL are also popular choices.

The following points you could consider before choosing a right Database:

  • Data Structure: Think about how your data is organized. If it’s structured and needs strict organization, go for databases like MySQL or PostgreSQL. If it’s flexible and doesn’t fit neatly into tables, consider databases like MongoDB.
  • Scalability: Consider if your application might grow. If you might need to handle a lot more data or users, choose a database that can easily scale up. MongoDB is good for this because you can add more servers easily.
  • Query Complexity: If your application needs to do complex searches or calculations with data, relational databases like MySQL are good. If it’s simpler, NoSQL databases like MongoDB might be faster.
  • Consistency vs. Flexibility: Consider your consistency requirements. Relational databases provide strong consistency guarantees, ensuring that transactions are ACID-compliant. NoSQL databases offer more flexible consistency models, allowing for eventual consistency and better performance in distributed environments.

Use a build tool

Use tools like Webpack or Parcel to organize and package your code neatly. It’s like packing up all your stuff in a suitcase before a trip to make sure you have everything you need.

Learn about microservices

Microservices are like building blocks that you can use to create complex systems. Learning about them helps you understand how to break down big tasks into smaller, manageable pieces.

JavaScript for Backend Development

JavaScript is primarily known as a client-side scripting language, but with the advent of Node.js, it has also become popular for backend development.

Here are some basics of JavaScript backend development:

Table of Content

  • What is backend development?
  • Why JavaScript for backend development?
  • Getting started with JavaScript for the backend
  • JavaScript Backend Example
  • Popular JavaScript backend frameworks
  • Pros and Cons of Using JavaScript as a Back-End Language

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