GLOB Operator in SQLite

It is used to match only the text values against a pattern using wildcards. Here wildcard is nothing but the special character ( ” * “, ” “), and if the search expression is matched to the pattern expression then it returns true.

SQLite GLOB operator is case-sensitive. In simple words GLOB operator checks for the value of the specific string that is going to match the specific pattern or not.

  • The asterisk sign (*)
  • The question mark (?)

The asterisk sign represents many numbers or characters whereas the question mark represents only a single number or a character.

SQLite GLOB Clause

SQLite is a server-less database engine and it is written in C programming language. The main moto for developing SQLite is to escape from using complex database engines like MYSQL etc. It has become one of the most popular database engines as we use it in Television, Mobile Phones, web browsers, and many more.

It is written simply so that it can be embedded into other applications. As we know we have a large database, so to find the specific string it is the best operator to search for the specific pattern.

In the article, We will be learning about how the SQLite GLOB Operator works, and along with that we will be also learning about how the SQLite GLOB function works with the examples.

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