Green Hydrogen

Q1. Does India have green hydrogen?

Yes, India is making significant efforts to promote green hydrogen by funding research and development, utilizing its renewable energy resources to produce green hydrogen, and launching programs like the National Hydrogen Mission.

Q2. Who is the largest producer of green hydrogen?

In terms of producing green hydrogen right now, the US is in the lead, followed by Germany and Canada. Australia will likely lead the world in hydrogen energy by 2030, with the US and Spain following closely behind.

Q3. Who invented green hydrogen?

It is not an invention credited to a single person or entity, but rather the result of scientific and industrial processes. The term “green hydrogen” refers to hydrogen gas generated by a specific method called electrolysis that is driven by renewable energy sources like wind or solar power. 

Q4. What are the raw materials for green hydrogen?

The raw material for producing green hydrogen is water (H2O). We can obtain green hydrogen by electrolysis, which involves splitting water molecules into hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) using an electrical current. No fossil fuel is used in this process.

Q5. Who are green hydrogen companies in India

Some of the green hydrogen companies in India include:

  • Reliance Industries.
  • GAIL (India)
  • Jindal Stainless.
  • Oil & Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)
  • National Thermal Power Corporation Limited (NTPC)
  • Larsen & Toubro.
  • JSW Steel.
  • Bharat Petroleum Corporation.

Q6. What is green hydrogen policy in India

India’s goals are to achieve Net Zero by 2070 and energy independence by 2047. The National Green Hydrogen Mission was approved by the Union Cabinet on 4 January 2022, with the intended objectives of:

  • Making India a leading producer and supplier of Green Hydrogen in the world
  • Creation of export opportunities for Green Hydrogen and its derivatives
  • Reduction in dependence on imported fossil fuels and feedstock
  • Development of indigenous manufacturing capabilities
  • Attracting investment and business opportunities for the industry
  • Creating opportunities for employment and economic development
  • Supporting R&D projects

    Green Hydrogen

    Green Hydrogen: Climate change issues are one of the most highlighted issues in recent times. Various issues arise due to the frequent climatic changes in the environment. This is an important topic from an exam point of view because the government is committed to a sustainable climate and many steps taken in this regard.

    In the era of climate consciousness and the pursuit of sustainable energy sources, green hydrogen has emerged as a promising source for a cleaner future. Unlike its conventional counterparts, green hydrogen is produced using renewable electricity, making it a zero-emission fuel with the potential to revolutionize various industries, from transportation to power generation.

    This article delves into the world of green hydrogen, exploring its production methods, types, advantages, applications, and the challenges that lie ahead in its widespread adoption. Keep reading!

    Table of Content

    • What is Green Hydrogen?
    • How is Green Hydrogen Obtained?
    • Types of Hydrogen as Fuel
    • Major Advantages of Green Hydrogen
    • Hydrogen as Clean Energy
    • How Hydrogen Vehicle is better than Electric Vehicles
    • Major Challenges of Green Hydrogen
    • India’s Approach to Green Hydrogen
    • Top Green Hydrogen Companies in the World
    • Blue Hydrogen vs Green Hydrogen
    • Best Green Hydrogen Stocks in the World

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