grid_location() method –

This method returns a tuple containing (column, row) of any specified widget. Since this method is a widget method you cannot use it with master object ( or Tk() object). In order to use this method, you should first create a Frame and treat it as a parent (or master).

Syntax: widget.grid_location(x, y)
x and y are the positions, relative to the upper left corner of the widget (parent widget). 

In below example, grid_location() is used to get the location of the widget in the Frame widget.


# This imports all functions in tkinter module
from tkinter import * from tkinter.ttk import *
# creating master window
master = Tk()
# This method is used to get the position
# of the desired widget available in any
# other widget
def click(event):
    # Here retrieving the size of the parent
    # widget relative to master widget
    x = event.x_root - f.winfo_rootx()
    y = event.y_root - f.winfo_rooty()
    # Here grid_location() method is used to
    # retrieve the relative position on the
    # parent widget
    z = f.grid_location(x, y)
    # printing position
# Frame widget, will work as
# parent for buttons widget
f = Frame(master)
# Button widgets
b = Button(f, text = "Button")
b.grid(row = 2, column = 3)
c = Button(f, text = "Button2")
c.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
# Here binding click method with mouse
master.bind("<Button-1>", click)
# infinite loop

Python Tkinter | grid_location() and grid_size() method

Tkinter is used to develop GUI (Graphical User Interface) applications. It supports a variety of widgets as well as a variety of widgets methods or universal widget methods.

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grid_location() method –

This method returns a tuple containing (column, row) of any specified widget. Since this method is a widget method you cannot use it with master object ( or Tk() object). In order to use this method, you should first create a Frame and treat it as a parent (or master)....

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