Hamiltonian Path vs. Eulerian Path

Below is the table listing the difference between Hamiltonian Path and Eulerian Path:


Hamiltonian Path

Eulerian Path


Visits each vertex exactly once

Visits each edge exactly once

Existence Condition

NP-complete problem and no simple characterization

Exists if exactly 0 or 2 vertices have odd degree

Hamiltonian Cycle

Starts and ends at the same vertex

Eulerian Circuit: starts and ends at the same vertex

Problem Complexity


Polynomial time

Example Graph Types

TSP (Traveling Salesman Problem) and pathfinding

Bridges of Königsberg and mail routing

Both Hamiltonian and Eulerian paths are fundamental concepts in graph theory. Hamiltonian Path focus on visiting vertices, whereas Eulerian Paths focus on traversing edges.

Difference Between Hamiltonian Path and Eulerian Path

The Hamiltonian and Eulerian paths are two significant concepts used to the solve various problems related to the traversal and connectivity of the graphs. Understanding the differences between these two types of the paths is crucial for the designing efficient algorithms and solving the complex graph problems.

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Hamiltonian Path vs. Eulerian Path:

Below is the table listing the difference between Hamiltonian Path and Eulerian Path:...