Handling Texts Historians and the Mahabharata


The Mahabharata is written in Sanskrit, although other languages like Pali and Prakrit also existed during that time.

The Sanskrit used in the Mahabharata is simpler compared to that of the Vedas or inscriptions.


Historians divide the content of the Mahabharata into two main categories: Narrative and Didactic.

The narrative sections contain stories, while the didactic sections prescribe social norms. However, both sections often convey social messages.


The original story of the Mahabharata was likely composed by charioteer-bards known as sutas, who accompanied Kshatriya warriors to battles and composed poems celebrating their victories.

Initially, the story circulated orally, but from the fifth century BCE, Brahmanas began to write it down. This coincided with the emergence of kingdoms like the Kurus and Panchalas.

Between approximately 200 BCE and 200 CE, another phase of composition occurred. This period saw the growing importance of Vishnu worship, with Krishna being identified as Vishnu.

Draupadi’s Marriage with the Pandavas

Some present-day historians suggest that polyandry was practiced among ruling elites in ancient India at some point.

Polyandry, however, gradually fell out of favor among the Brahmanas, who reworked and developed the texts over centuries. It was more prevalent in the Himalayan region.

It is speculated that polyandry may have been a response to a shortage of women during times of warfare, viewed as a crisis situation.

However, polyandry was not the only or most prevalent form of marriage, as suggested by early sources.

Mahabharata as a Dynamic Text

The Mahabharata continued to evolve beyond its original Sanskrit version. Over centuries, versions of the epic were written in various languages through interactions between different communities and authors.

Many stories originating from specific regions or circulating among certain groups were incorporated into the epic.

The central story of the Mahabharata was retold in different ways, and its episodes were depicted in sculptures, paintings, and various performing arts such as plays and dances.

Chapter 3 Kinship, Caste and Class Early Societies| Class 12 History Notes

Class 12 History Notes Chapter 3 Kinship, Caste and Class Early Societies: CBSE Class 12 History Notes are important for students studying Social Science, as History is a crucial sub-subject that requires properly written answers. Scoring well in History is just as important as other subjects.

By going through these notes, students can strengthen their understanding of the chapter’s concepts and learn more about families, caste systems, and how people lived long ago.

Our History Notes Class 12 serves as a valuable resource to enhance your problem-solving skills and prepare for your Social Science Class 12 exams. By utilizing our comprehensive notes, you can develop a strong foundation in History and improve your problem-solving skills.

Chapter 3 Kinship, Caste and Class Early Societies| Class 12 History Notes

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