Handling the Unexpected Features

Handling unexpected features during a sprint can be crucial and tricky but there are several ways to handle the situation while keeping the current sprint’s integrity and achieving its goals. Below are some of the techniques to handle the unexpected features:

1. Assess the Feature

When a new feature or request to refine an already working feature or any issues fix arrives during the sprint, the items should be assessed for criticality and value potential to the product. Once, it is worth working on during the sprint, then these should be discussed with the scrum team and stakeholders to analyze and accept.

2. Evaluate the Impact and Urgency

Assess the impact of the unexpected feature or issues with the current sprint’s goals, timeline and user stories being worked on. Also, consider the urgency and importance of the features or issue fix received.

3. Effort Estimation

Analyze the complexity and effort required for the unexpected features and issues to verify, if the items can be completed within the current sprint without compromising the commitments already made and goals to be achieved.

4. Accept or Move to Product Backlog Items

After analyzing the unexpected features or issues received during the sprint, the scrum team can accept them to be worked on during the current sprint or add to the product backlog items to be worked on during the upcoming sprints.

5. Using Buffer Time Available

Generally, each sprint is planned with a 20% buffer time to handle any delays or unexpected features received. Also, the buffer time is used to handle any issues fixed which could be high-priority items to be handled immediately. The scrum team can check and verify if the buffer time is available and if the unexpected items can be handled using this.

6. Adapt, Re-prioritize Backlog and Replan

When there is no buffer time available or unexpected items can not be completed using the buffer time, then the team needs to re-organize the current backlog items. If these unexpected items are to be included in the current sprint, then some of the lower priority items then the newly received ones can be moved out to the next Sprint and the new items can be included in the current sprint. However, the scrum team must replan and product owner must approve the changes in discussion with the development team as they need to accept the change in backlog items and work items. Since the sprint backlog is owned by development team, they are the key persons who need to evaluate and accept the updated work items and priorities.

7. Communicate and Collaborate

All team members and stakeholders should be informed and collaborate about the updated plans in sprint backlog items and unexpected work items added to the current sprint, with clear communication about the situation and chosen approach. This will set the expectations right and keep everyone updated on the progress.

8. Continuous Improvement

The Scrum Team can consider the unexpected features as opportunities for continuous improvement and to implement the principle of Agile methodology. During the Sprint retrospective meeting, team can discuss the situation that arose when unexpected items arrived how it was handled and if any improvement in process is needed.

Handling Unexpected Features During Sprint

Sprint in Agile Scrum has planned a list of Product Backlog items to be worked on during the Sprint duration. The product backlog items may contain features, tasks, and issues. However unplanned or unexpected features and issue fixes may arise during a Sprint due to various reasons including customer requests or feedback, stakeholder feedback, bug fixes, or changes to existing requirements. This article will discuss the strategies for handling the expected features during Sprint.

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