Harmful Effects of E-waste

  1. Soil Pollution: All electronic waste contains heavy and harmful metals such as mercury, lead, and arsenic. If this electronic waste is decomposed or disposed of into the soil it can contaminate and degrade the soil, affect adversely plant lifecycle and growth, reduce crop yield, and contaminate the food produced by the plants.  
  2. Water Pollution: The toxic elements that are present in electronic devices can contaminate the water. This can adversely affect aquatic life and water resources, human life can be in danger if such contaminated water is used for drinking and cooking purposes.  
  3. Air Pollution: Many harmful gases are released into the air during the disposal of electronic waste and recycling it. These harmful gases that are released increase air pollution and contamination of the air. Inhalation of such contaminated air can result in respiratory disorders for all living beings.  
  4. Health Effects: Coming in contact with e-waste disposal and exposure to it can cause serious health issues for all living beings. This e-waste can cause diseases such as cancer, neurological disorders, reproductive problems, skin irritation, and many more. 
  5. Climate Change: E-waste pollution also affects the environment which affects the climatic conditions and the environmental life cycle that results in ozone layer depletion and greenhouse gas emissions.

E-Waste: Causes and Effects on Environment

E-waste or Electronic pollution is a growing environmental issue as the rapid advancement of technology has led to a significant increase in the production of various electronic devices. Pollution is the presence of harmful substances in the environment that causes an adverse effect and as a result, degrades the quality of the environment. Improper disposal of E-waste can lead to harmful effects on Human health and the overall environment.

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What is E-Waste?

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What is E-Waste Pollution?

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Causes of E-Waste Pollution

Rapid Innovation in Technology: Today one of the main causes of E-waste pollution is the rapid increase in the development of technology. Due to the increase in technological and industrial demand new electronic devices have developed that result in unwanted and unused devices. These unused devices are not used and properly disposed of which leads to e-waste pollution.  Rising demand for electronic products: Nowadays every work is carried out digitally and every digital user needs an electronic device which results in a rise in demand for electronic devices. The rise in new electronic products indirectly leads to an increase in e-waste pollution.  Lack of Reparability:  Electronic devices go through many damages and breaks. The device becomes of no use in the future if not repaired or not replaced by the new one.  The devices that are not reparable need to be changed with new ones. This property of lack of reparability results in e-waste pollution.  Illegal E-waste Trade: Illegal trade of e-waste is increasing e-waste pollution. Many business companies and traders export and import e-waste from and to the countries and the same e-waste is being reused and recycled again by using unsafe and illegal processes.   Lack of Awareness: Many citizens using electronic products are still not aware and well-educated regarding the harmful impacts of e-waste. The uneducated or unaware users do not dispose of them properly and carefully which then leads to many environmental and health-related problems....

Electronic Gadgets that cause E-waste

E-waste pollution is caused due to improper disposal and recycling of electronic gadgets such as:...

Harmful Effects of E-waste

Soil Pollution: All electronic waste contains heavy and harmful metals such as mercury, lead, and arsenic. If this electronic waste is decomposed or disposed of into the soil it can contaminate and degrade the soil, affect adversely plant lifecycle and growth, reduce crop yield, and contaminate the food produced by the plants.   Water Pollution: The toxic elements that are present in electronic devices can contaminate the water. This can adversely affect aquatic life and water resources, human life can be in danger if such contaminated water is used for drinking and cooking purposes.   Air Pollution: Many harmful gases are released into the air during the disposal of electronic waste and recycling it. These harmful gases that are released increase air pollution and contamination of the air. Inhalation of such contaminated air can result in respiratory disorders for all living beings.   Health Effects: Coming in contact with e-waste disposal and exposure to it can cause serious health issues for all living beings. This e-waste can cause diseases such as cancer, neurological disorders, reproductive problems, skin irritation, and many more.  Climate Change: E-waste pollution also affects the environment which affects the climatic conditions and the environmental life cycle that results in ozone layer depletion and greenhouse gas emissions....

Ways to Control E-waste Pollution

Reduce and Reuse: The most effective and easiest way is to reduce and reuse. This can include reducing the purchase of non-usable electronic devices and gadgets. Reducing and reusing can be achieved by repairing the existing devices instead of purchasing new ones and donating the previously used ones to someone who needs it rather than disposing of it. Recycling: Recycling is another way of reducing e-waste pollution. Electronic devices contain many other materials that can be used later on. Proper Recycling of electronic devices ensures that no toxic chemicals are emitted into the environment. E-waste Collection Drives: E-waste collection drives can be arranged by organizations and governments in order to properly dispose of their electronic waste gadgets. The collection of proper e-waste can reduce e-waste pollution so that it can be reused and recycled properly. Regulations and Policies: Government should apply strict regulations and laws for the management of e-waste that is generated. Government can take many initiatives for proper disposal....

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E-Waste Management Rules 2016

In the E-waste Management Rules the Manufacturer, dealer Refurbisher and Producer Responsibility Organisation (PRO) are introduced as additional stakeholders.   The approach of collection mechanism is adopted in order to include the collection center, collection point, and take back system.  In order to ensure efficient channelization the option is being given for setting up e-waste exchange, e-retailer, and PRO.  The facility of e-waste exchange is being provided as an independent market service that provides the sale and purchase of e-waste.   The collection of e-waste generated during the production of electronic equipment is also the responsibility of the Manufacturer.  If on behalf of the producer, the dealer has been given the responsibility for the collection of E-waste the dealer must be provided with the collection box and then channel that to the producer.  The e-waste that is generated by the process of refurbishing must be collected by Refurbisher and then given for proper recycling of waste.    The State government must ensure the safety and health of the workers that are working in dismantling and recycling E-waste.  The transportation of E-waste must be carried out properly by and the transporter must carry the documents which contain the details of the sender and the receiver.  The financial penalty is imposed if any damage is caused to the environment or any other body due to improper e-waste management....


Question 1: State why it is necessary to properly dispose of the e-waste....