
Hinduism, with its vibrant tapestry of beliefs and practices, is the world’s third-largest religion, followed by over 1.2 billion adherents, roughly 15.3% of the global population. Hindus, as its followers are called, constitute the majority in four countries: India, Nepal, Mauritius, and Fiji. Unlike many other religions, Hinduism doesn’t boast a single founder or a rigid set of dogmas. Instead, it’s an ancient river of spiritual traditions, diverse philosophies, and evolving practices that have flowed through millennia.

Origins and Philosophy:

While Hinduism lacks a specific point of origin, its roots trace back to the Indus Valley Civilization around 3300 BCE. Its rich tapestry is woven from diverse strands, including Vedic texts, ancient epics like the Ramayana and Mahabharata, Upanishads, and later philosophical schools like Advaita Vedanta and Samkhya.

At its core, Hinduism revolves around the pursuit of dharma, a multifaceted concept encompassing righteousness, duty, ethical living, and cosmic order. Reincarnation, karma (the law of cause and effect), and moksha (liberation from the cycle of rebirth) are central tenets.

Scriptures and Practices:

Unlike a single holy book, Hinduism draws from a vast array of scriptures:

  • The Vedas: Considered the oldest Hindu texts, comprising four collections of hymns, rituals, and philosophical insights.
  • The Upanishads: Philosophical commentaries on the Vedas, exploring the nature of reality, the self, and ultimate truth.
  • The Bhagavad Gita: A philosophical poem embedded within the Mahabharata, offering teachings on karma, dharma, and self-realization.

Hindu practices are equally diverse, reflecting regional and personal variations. Some common elements include:

  • Worship of Devas: Hindus revere many divine figures, representing different aspects of the Supreme One Brahman.
  • Puja: Ritualistic worship involving offerings, prayers, and mantras.
  • Dharma: Adhering to one’s ethical and social duties based on caste, family, and life stage.
  • Yoga: A physical and mental discipline aiming for mental clarity, self-realization, and spiritual union.
  • Pilgrimages: Visiting sacred sites like Varanasi, Haridwar, and the Himalayas for spiritual purification.

Diversity and Denominations:

Hinduism’s vastness leads to a multitude of interpretations and practices. Some major denominations include:

  • Shaivism: Devotes of Shiva, the god of destruction and transformation.
  • Vaishnavism: Worshippers of Vishnu, the preserver god, often manifested as avatars like Krishna and Rama.
  • Shaktism: Focuses on the divine feminine principle in various forms.
  • Smartism: Emphasizes philosophical contemplation and personal choice in rituals and deities.

Global Impact:

Hinduism’s influence extends far beyond India, shaping Southeast Asian cultures, influencing art, architecture, and philosophical thought across the globe. From yoga’s global popularity to vegetarianism and meditation practices, Hinduism continues to offer insights and practices relevant to the modern world.

Challenges and Future:

Modern Hinduism faces challenges like social inequalities based on caste, adapting to a globalized world, and navigating internal complexities. However, its emphasis on tolerance, diverse paths to spiritual growth, and its inherent flexibility offer grounds for continued evolution and engagement with contemporary issues.


Hinduism, with its timeless wisdom, evolving philosophies, and vibrant practices, remains a potent force in the world today. As it navigates the complexities of the 21st century, its message of dharma, inner exploration, and interconnectedness carries enduring relevance for generations to come.

The World’s Major Religions and Religious Group

Every aspect of our surroundings, including the solutions we look for to the questions of the universe’s beginnings and our place in it, is influenced by religion. The ideas of spirituality, organised religion, and morality affect everyone, regardless of their level of faith. They produce historical accounts, power dynamics, and cultural institutions. They can also result in the progress of social justice, ethical reform, and intellectual creativity. Despite the fact that there are thousands of distinct religions, the five oldest are typically considered to be the major world religions.

Data of World’s Major Religions 2022

Table of Content

  • Islam
  • Hinduism
  • Buddhism
  • Judaism

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Wrapping up

These five religions might be considered to represent the five major world religions because they are among the oldest and most extensively practiced. Each has a variety of traditions, and there are numerous religions as well. Over the past few decades, the world has become more secular. Nevertheless, 84% of people worldwide identify as belonging to a religious group, and religion continues to play a significant role in many people’s lives. The world’s major religions all have different fertility rates and young populations, and individuals are also changing their religious affiliations, which is causing a rapid change in the religious landscape....

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