
Horticulture is the cultivation of plants in gardens for the production of food and medicinal compounds, as well as for aesthetic and comfort reasons. Horticulturists grow flowers, fruits, and nuts, vegetables, and herbs, as well as decorative trees and lawns. Farmers are drawn to horticulture, particularly vegetable growing, because of the better remuneration offered by the sector.  

Role of Horticulture in farmers’ economy:

  • Fruits, vegetables, tuber crops, flowers, medicinal and aromatic plants, spices, and plantation crops are among the horticulture crops grown in India. These crops are essential for providing food and nourishment as well as long-term employment prospects.
  • India has become a world leader in the production of a variety of fruits and is the world’s second-largest producer of fruits and vegetables. High-density plantation of some dry fruits and fruits like Walnut, Apple, Cherry, Flowers, etc. will increase the farmers’ income.
  • Horticulture crops and natural products are more laborious to change in rude and ominous climate conditions, and the vegetables dramatically help the pay of little and negligible ranchers. The water utilization is at a low level in the crops of horticulture, definitely diminishes the yield disappointment hazard or chances, and can happen in more modest ranches.
  • Flower picking, nursery care, hybrid seed production, and tissue culture, fruit and flower propagation, and food processing are highly remunerative work alternatives for women in rural locations.
  • Medicinal plants are beneficial for curing human illnesses and play a significant part in healing.

The time frame somewhere in the range of 1991 and 2003 is alluded to as the Golden Revolution in India. It is identified with the expanded creation of nectar and cultivation which was the fundamental goal of this horticultural unrest. Cultivation creation in India has dramatically increased generally from 146 million tons in 2001-02 to contact the figure of 314 million tons in 2018-19. Then again, the creation of food grain stretched out from 213 million tons to 285 million tons all through a similar period.

Diversification Towards Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Horticulture

Diversification is the process of transferring an economy’s income sources away from a single source and toward an increasing number of sectors and marketplaces. It has historically been used as a tactic to promote positive economic growth and development. Diversification into other activities is vital because it would provide people in communities with long-term livelihood options and also provide ecological equilibrium. Diversification adds to the exchange of experiences and possibilities in the creation and distribution of economic resilience metrics, techniques, and instruments.

Due to the unfavorable climate of India, farmers suffer crop losses every year, so their dependence on agriculture is reduced in recent days, in this situation, these diversifications provide a boost to self-employment and the new generation’s export capacities. Animal husbandry, fisheries, and horticulture also provide alternate sources of income as well as a reduction in traditional agriculture’s over-dependence.  

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