How AI Can Add on To Blockchain

The confluence of AI in blockchain creates perhaps what is the world’s most reliable technology-enabled decision-making system that is virtually tamper-proof and provides solid insights and decisions. It holds several benefits like: 
• Improved business data models 
• Globalized verification systems 
• Innovative audits and compliance systems 
• Smarter finance 
• Transparent governance 
• Intelligent retail 
• Intelligent predictive analysis 
• Digital Intellectual Property Rights 

Integration of Blockchain and AI

AI and blockchain are proving to be quite a powerful combination, improving virtually every industry in which they’re implemented. Blockchain and artificial intelligence are combining to upgrade everything from food supply chain logistics and healthcare record sharing to media royalties and financial security. Blockchain can even be used to create trackable, traceable AI by using the same methods used to protect food and health care logistics. The integration of AI and Blockchain affects many aspects, including Security – AI and blockchain will offer a double shield against cyber-attacks. 

AI can effectively mine through a huge dataset and create newer scenarios and discover patterns based on data behavior. Blockchain helps to effectively remove bugs and fraudulent data sets. New classifiers and patterns created by AI can be verified on a decentralized blockchain infrastructure and verify their authenticity. This can be used in any consumer-facing business, such as retail transactions. Data acquired from the customers through blockchain infrastructure can be used to create marketing automation through AI. 


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How AI Can Add on To Blockchain

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