How differently API Gateway works with Microservices and Monolith Architecture?

The way an API Gateway works with microservices differs from how it works with a monolithic architecture in several key aspects:


Monolithic Architecture

Microservices Architecture

Request routing

In a monolithic architecture, the API Gateway typically routes requests to different parts of the monolith based on the request URL or other criteria

In a microservices architecture, the API Gateway routes requests to different microservices based on the request URL or other criteria, acting as a kind of “front door” to the microservices ecosystem.

Service discovery

In a monolithic architecture, service discovery is not typically a concern, as all parts of the application are contained within the same codebase.

In a microservices architecture, the API Gateway may need to use service discovery mechanisms to dynamically locate and route requests to the appropriate microservices.

Authentication and authorization

In both architectures, the API Gateway can handle authentication and authorization.

However, in a microservices architecture, there may be more complex authorization scenarios, as requests may need to be authorized by multiple microservices.

Load balancing

In both architectures, the API Gateway can perform load balancing.

However, in a microservices architecture, load balancing may be more complex, as requests may need to be load balanced across multiple instances of multiple microservices.

Fault tolerance

In both architectures, the API Gateway can provide fault tolerance by retrying failed requests and routing requests to healthy instances of services.

However, fault tolerance may be more critical in a microservices architecture, where the failure of a single microservice should not bring down the entire system.

Overall, the main difference in how an API Gateway works with microservices vs. monolith is in how it handles request routing, service discovery, and load balancing in a more distributed and decoupled microservices architecture compared to the more centralized and integrated nature of a monolithic architecture

What is API Gateway | System Design ?

An API Gateway is a key component in system design, particularly in microservices architectures and modern web applications. It serves as a centralized entry point for managing and routing requests from clients to the appropriate microservices or backend services within a system.

Important Topics for API Gateway in System Design

  • What is an API Gateway?
  • How does API Gateway work?
  • How differently API Gateway work with Microservices and Monolith architecture?
  • Best Practices for API Gateway
  • Benefits of using an API Gateway:
  • Challenges of using an API Gateway
  • Popular API Gateway Solutions

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An API Gateway is a central component in system design that helps manage and optimize the communication between clients and backend services. It simplifies client interactions, enhances security, and provides various features for controlling and monitoring API traffic, making it an essential part of modern distributed systems and microservices architectures....