How does Hyperledger Sawtooth Works?

Hyperledger Sawtooth is a modular platform for building, deploying, and running distributed ledgers (also called blockchains). It includes a novel consensus algorithm called “Proof of Elapsed Time” (PoET), which uses trusted execution environments (TEEs) to ensure that consensus is reached in a fair and efficient manner. Sawtooth also has a modular design that allows for pluggable consensus algorithms and supports both permissioned and permissionless networks.

  • Sawtooth’s core component is a distributed ledger that records a log of all transactions and smart contract execution. The ledger is replicated across all nodes in the network, and transactions are processed in parallel to increase performance.
  • Sawtooth also includes a smart contract engine called “Sawtooth Lake” which allows for easy deployment and execution of smart contracts. The platform also provides a RESTful API for interacting with the ledger and submitting transactions.
  • Sawtooth is designed to be highly scalable and can support networks with thousands of nodes and millions of transactions per second. 
  • Overall, Hyperledger Sawtooth is a flexible, powerful platform for building and deploying distributed ledgers that can be used for a wide range of applications, such as supply chain management, digital asset tracking, and voting systems.
  • Hyperledger Sawtooth makes it simpler to develop apps while retaining system security by separating the core ledger system from the environment pertinent to each application. 
  • Application developers can describe the business rules appropriate for their application without being familiar with the core system’s underlying architecture. This design enables developers to build applications that can be hosted, managed and used outside of the core blockchain network in their favorite programming language.

Hyperledger Sawtooth in Blockchain

Hyperledger Sawtooth is a corporate blockchain platform that creates distributed ledger networks and applications. The design philosophy focuses on maintaining distributed ledgers and securing smart contracts, especially for enterprise applications. Sawtooth uses blockchain technology as a service (BaaS).
Sawtooth is very modular as well. This modularity allows companies and consortiums to decide on policy in their respective fields of competence. Applications can choose the transactional, permissioning, and consensus algorithms that best meet their unique business requirements because of Sawtooth’s fundamental design. The majority of blockchain-based systems in use today host and execute both their core and their apps on the same platform, which may have an impact on both security and performance.

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