How does Internal Fertilization work?

Internal fertilization is a complex process that is integral to the reproductive success of many animal species. There are various stages in this process:

Mating and Copulation

Initiation of Mating: The mating process begins with signals that can be visual, chemical (pheromones), auditory, or a combination of the three. The signals play an important role in attracting and selecting potential mates. Many species also engage in courtship behaviour like dance and displaying physical or acoustic demonstrations to attract the mate.

Copulation: During this process, the male sperm is transferred to the female which is done by special reproductive organs like a penis in mammals or an aedeagus in many insects. The copulatory mechanism varies among different species. In mammals, it involves physical penetration whereas in insects and birds, it involves a brief connection for the transfer of the sperm.

Sperm Transportation

After the sperm is deposited into the female reproductive tract it must travel to meet the egg. This process is complex and only a few sperm reach the egg to fertilize it. In mammals, the sperm travels through the cervix into the uterus and reaches the fallopian tube where the eggs are fertilized. In birds, the sperms are stored in special chambers before fertilizing the egg.

  • Fertilization: Once the sperm reaches the egg it penetrates the outer layer of the egg and then fertilizes it for this process to take place several complex biochemical and mechanical interactions have to take place.
  • Zygote formation: After fertilization, the genetic material combines to form a zygote and it undergoes cellular division to develop into an organism. In mammals, the zygote gets implanted in the uterus and it develops. In oviparous organisms, the zygote develops inside the egg and later hatches after incubation.

Also Read: Fertilization

Internal Fertilization

Internal fertilization is a reproduction process that occurs inside the body of the female organism. This type of fertilization is mostly seen in land animals, bony fishes, birds, reptiles, and mammals. For internal fertilization to take place the male sperm has to fuse with the female ovary in the female reproductive tract.

In this article, we will read about the process of internal fertilization, the types and examples of internal fertilization, the difference between internal and external fertilization, and the advantages and disadvantages of internal fertilization.

Table of Content

  • What is Internal Fertilization?
  • How does Internal Fertilization work?
  • Types of Internal Fertilization
  • Internal Fertilization Examples
  • Difference between External Fertilization and Internal Fertilization
  • Advantages of Internal Fertilization
  • Disadvantages of Internal Fertilization

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Conclusion – Internal Fertilization

It is a complex reproductive process that plays an important role in the genetic diversity and evolution of species. Internal fertilization advantages include the protection of gametes and the zygote that is formed after the fertilization process. In various animal phyla, including Chordata, Arthropoda internal fertilization can be seen. Internal fertilization occurs when sperm are transferred through insemination and then combine with an egg inside the body of a female creature....

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