How Does PowerTransformer Work?

The ‘PowerTransformer’ supports two main transformations:

  1. Box-Cox Transform
  2. Yeo-Johnson Transform

Both of these methods are used to compute optimal transformation parameter that normalizes the data.

Box-Cox Transform

The Box-Cox transformation is a statistical method used to stabilize variance and make data more closely meet the assumptions of normality. The Box-Cox transformation can be applied to positive data. The transformation is parameterized by value, which varies to find the best approximation of a normal distribution.

The formula for the Box-Cox transformation is:

This transformation helps improve the validity of many statistical techniques that assume normality.

Yeo-Johnson Transform

The Yeo-Johnson transformation, an extension of the Box-Cox method, serves to stabilize variance and normalize data distributions, rendering it more adaptable for real-world scenarios by accommodating both positive and negative data values.

The transformation is defined as follows for values of and y:

PowerTransformer in scikit-learn

When it comes to data preprocessing, machine learning algorithms perform better when variables are transformed to fit a more Gaussian distribution. PowerTransformer is a scikit-learn library that is used to transform to fit Gaussian distribution. The article aims to explore PowerTransfoer technique, its methods along with implementation in scikit-learn.

Table of Content

  • What is a PowerTransformer?
  • How Does PowerTransformer Work?
    • Box-Cox Transform
    • Yeo-Johnson Transform
  • Implementation: PowerTransformer in Scikit-Learn
    • Step 1: Import Libraries
    • Step 2: Generating Skewed Data
    • Step 3: Applying PowerTransformer
  • Advantages of PowerTransformer

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Advantages of PowerTransformer

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The PowerTransformer technique, through Box-Cox and Yeo-Johnson transformations, optimally normalizes numerical data, vital for enhancing machine learning model performance by aligning with Gaussian distributions. Its robustness to outliers, preservation of rank order, and effectiveness in handling skewed data make it a valuable asset in data preprocessing for various machine learning applications....