How To Copy Files And Rename Them In Python?

Below, are the generally used method for How To Copy Files And Rename Them In Python.

Copy Files And Rename using shutil.copy()

The shutil module in Python is a powerful utility for file operations, including copying files. The copy() function from this module allows us to copy a file from one location to another. Here’s a simple example: This example uses the shutil.copy() method to copy the file and shutil.move() to rename the copied file in the destination folder.


import shutil
def copy_and_rename(src_path, dest_path, new_name):
    # Copy the file
    shutil.copy(src_path, dest_path)
    # Rename the copied file
    new_path = f"{dest_path}/{new_name}"
    shutil.move(f"{dest_path}/{src_path}", new_path)
# Example usage
source_file = "example.txt"
destination_folder = "destination_folder"
new_file_name = "renamed_example.txt"
copy_and_rename(source_file, destination_folder, new_file_name)
print("Successfully Created File and Rename")


Successfully Created File and Rename

Copy Files And Rename Using os.copyfile()

The os module in Python provides the copyfile() function, which is a simple method for copying files. However, it doesn’t handle renaming directly, so you’ll need to use additional steps to achieve the desired result: In this example, os.copyfile() is used to copy the file to the destination folder with the new name. It simplifies the copying process but requires additional steps for renaming.


import os
def copy_and_rename_os(src_path, dest_path, new_name):
    # Copy the file
    os.copyfile(src_path, f"{dest_path}/{new_name}")
# Example usage
source_file = "example.txt"
destination_folder = "destination_folder"
new_file_name = "renamed_example.txt"
copy_and_rename_os(source_file, destination_folder, new_file_name)
print("Successfully Created File and Rename")

Output :

Successfully Created File and Rename

Copy Files And Rename Using pathlib.Path

The pathlib module was introduced in Python 3.4 to provide an object-oriented interface for file system paths. The Path class includes the rename() method, making it convenient for both copying and renaming files: In this example, the Path class is used to create path objects, and rename() is employed to both copy and rename the file in the destination folder.


from pathlib import Path
def copy_and_rename_pathlib(src_path, dest_path, new_name):
    # Create Path objects
    src_path = Path(src_path)
    dest_path = Path(dest_path)
    # Copy and rename the file
    new_path = dest_path / new_name
# Example usage
source_file = "example.txt"
destination_folder = "destination_folder"
new_file_name = "renamed_example.txt"
copy_and_rename_pathlib(source_file, destination_folder, new_file_name)
print("Successfully Created File and Rename")

Output :

Successfully Created File and Rename

Video Demonstration

Copy Files and Rename in Python

Copying and renaming files is a common task in programming, and Python provides several ways to accomplish this efficiently. In this article, we will explore some commonly used methods for copying files and renaming them: using the shutil module’s copy(), os module’s copyfile(), and pathlib module’s Path class. Each method has its advantages, and choosing the right one depends on the specific requirements of your project.

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