How to Count Based on Condition in SQL Server?

The COUNT() aggregate function holds significant importance in SQL Server queries, facilitating the counting of rows within a table. This function serves as a powerful instrument for data manipulation and aggregation.

While COUNT(*) fetches the overall row count by default, its flexibility becomes evident when conditions are incorporated through the DISTINCT or CASE expressions, allowing for more targeted counting based on specific criteria.

  • Method 1: Using DISTINCT with Count() function
  • Method 2: Using CASE with Count() function

How to Count Based on Condition in SQL Server?

In SQL Server, the COUNT() function is also utilized for tallying the number of records within a table. This article intends to explore the query, focusing on incorporating conditions into the COUNT() function in SQL Server. The COUNT() function in SQL Server is commonly utilized to count all records within a dataset.

Nonetheless, there are scenarios where counting records based on specific conditions becomes essential. Thankfully, SQL Server allows for the integration of conditions within the COUNT() function, enabling a more nuanced approach to record counting.

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