How To Deploy Flask App On AWS EC2 Windows: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Create an EC2 Instance

  • Click “Launch instance” and choose a Windows Server AMI (Amazon Machine Image). Popular options include Windows Server 2019 or 2022.

  • Select an instance type suitable for your app’s workload.
  • Configure security groups to allow inbound traffic on ports 80 (HTTP) and any other ports your application needs.
  • Launch your instance and wait for it to start.

Step 2: Connect to Your Instance

  • Use Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to connect to your Windows instance. Get the public IP address or DNS name from the EC2 console and use your chosen RDP client (Remmina on Ubuntu).

Step 3: Install Python and Flask

  • Download and install the Python installer from the official website
  • Open a PowerShell window on the EC2 instance.
  • Install Flask using pip: ‘pip install Flask’

Step 4: Setup Your Flask Application

  • Create a directory for your application (e.g., ‘C:\myflaskapp’).
  • Inside the directory, create a file named ‘’ with your Flask application code:
from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def hello_world():
    return 'Hello, from Flask on Windows EC2!'

if __name__ == '__main__':

Step 5: Install and Configure IIS

  • Open Server Manager.

  • The below screenshot illustrates about the server manager Dashbaord With Loal server configuration.

  • Add Roles and Features

  • Click Next>Next and go to Server Selection
  • Install “Web Server (IIS)” and include the “CGI” role service.

  • Next go to Role Services

  • Select CGI

  • Click Add Features and Install

Step 6: Install wfastcgi

  • From PowerShell, install it: ‘pip install wfastcgi’

  • Then run the following command to enable it in the current environment.


  • Copy the path from the output

Step 7: Create Web Configuration File

  • Create a file web.config next to your main flask app file “”.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <add name="Python FastCGI"
           requireAccess="Script" />
       <!-- Required settings -->
       <add key="WSGI_HANDLER" value="" />
       <add key="PYTHONPATH" value="C:\Users\Adminstrator\Desktop\DemoFlask\myProject" />

Step 8: Configure IIS Handler

  • Open IIS Manager.
  • Expand your ‘Sites’, right-click on “Default Web Site”, and select “Add Application.”
  • Set an alias (e.g., ‘myflaskapp’) and the physical path to your application’s directory.
  • Go to “Handler Mappings,” and add a Module Mapping:
Request Path: '*'
Module: 'FastCgiModule'
Executable: 'C:\Python3x\python.exe|C:\Adminstrator\root\scripts\' (Adjust for your Python installation path)

Step 9: Test Your Application

  • Click browse from the right pane to browse your site locally.
  • Access your app’s URL using your EC2 instance’s public IP address and the alias you set (e.g., ‘http://ec2-public-ip/myflaskapp’)

Deploy Flask App on AWS EC2 Windows

Do you want to host a Windows-based Python Flask application on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)? Flask is a frequently utilized framework for building web apps, APIs, and prototypes because of its ease of use and versatility. AWS EC2 provides virtual machines that are scalable, allowing you complete control over your deployment environment. Using Windows and Internet Information Services (IIS) as the web server, we’ll take you step-by-step through the process of deploying a Flask application on AWS EC2.

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