How to Design a Logo?

The process of designing a logo can be subdivided into these steps:

Step 1: Project Discussion

Designing a logo must start with discussing the project with the client. It is essential to know everything about the business and their target market in order to design a logo for them.

Step 2: Research

Once we know about the business we are designing for and their target market, we will have to research about what are the company values, about demographics of the target audience, about the space the business operates in and anything else that we may require in the process of logo designing.

Step 3: Choosing Typeface

Typefaces simply are the way of designing typography. Typefaces are distinct styles of writing for any font. It includes design for everything every set of characters – from letters, numbers, and punctuation marks, to symbols. The next step is to choose a typeface out of the two:

  • Serifs: Serifs are the oldest font styles whose characteristics are the small feet at the end of a stroke on the letter. Serifs help the reader follow the letter easily making them highly clear and readable.
  • Sans-Serifs: “Sans” in the word Sans-Serif in French basically means “without,” therefore, sans-serif typefaces are those that lack serifs.

Let’s design a Logo step by step to understand the process of designing a logo using Figma. Here we will use a Serif typeface in order to give our logo a modern feel.


Step 4: Coming up with visuals

The next step is to come up with some visuals. these need not to be your final visuals but just a start point. Think of visuals that come to your mind when you think of some keywords that we may have obtained about the business in the previous steps. These visuals will be a good start point for us.

Logo Visuals

Step 5: Refining Visuals Using Design Thinking

Design thinking is basically a creative way to solve problems. It is the sum of all the processes that results in designing of a prototype. The most important skills for design thinking are – having empathy for the users and prototyping. In this step we will refine the visuals we had from previous step to come up with a final prototype. Our aim in this step is to use design thinking principles to get a prototype that is presentable enough for the stakeholders.

Refined Visual

Step 6: Review and iterate

The final step of the process of Logo designing is to present the final prototype to the stakeholders and get a review from them, as well as we need to test the logo by a group of people. The feedback you receive after this must be taken into account and the design should be iterated accordingly until a final working prototype is obtained that satisfies the stakeholders. In our design, the final output came out to be as following.

Complete Logo

How to Design a Logo?

Designing a logo is a crucial step in establishing a brand’s identity, offering a visual representation that can instantly connect with your audience. When it comes to Digital businesses or businesses with a digital presence, logos are a great way to create that first impression in the minds of the users. We aim to make logo design easy and fun, showing you how to design a logo that looks good everywhere and represents your brand.

In this article, we will discuss what Logos are and what is the step-by-step process to design a logo. We will also discuss the best practices around designing logos.

Table of Content

  • What is a Logo?
  • How to Design a Logo?
  • Types of Logo
  • Logo Design Best Practices
  • Tools Used to Design a Logo

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