How to Find Employees with Salaries Higher Than Their Departmental Average

Comparing employees‘ salaries to their colleagues in the same department is a major value concern for businesses. In this article, we’ll explore two methods to find employees with salaries higher than their departmental average, using SQL queries.

  • Using the ORDER BY Clause with LIMIT or TOP
  • Using the ROW_NUBER() Function

How to Find Employees with Salaries Higher Than Their Departmental Average in MySQL

In businesses and institutions, comparisons of employees’ salaries to their colleagues within the same department is a major value concern. Suppose we are an employee in a large organization where designed teams work differently: Engineering, Marketing, or Sales.

For example, suppose there are cases in which one person receives a larger salary than another who worked in the same department and that’s precisely what we are going to discuss further on.

In this article, We’ll find how we discover the salary of each worker in every department which is higher than the average salary provided in that department.

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How to Find Employees with Salaries Higher Than Their Departmental Average

Comparing employees‘ salaries to their colleagues in the same department is a major value concern for businesses. In this article, we’ll explore two methods to find employees with salaries higher than their departmental average, using SQL queries....

Setup an Environment

Let’s imagine we have a table named Employees with the following schema:...

1. Using the ORDER BY Clause with LIMIT or TOP

This method includes putting the data in an ascending or descending order using specified criteria calculating the departmental average, and then selecting the top employees whose salaries exceed their departmental average....

2. Using the ROW_NUBER() Function

This method utilizes window functions to calculate a unique row number for each record with the criteria of choosing the department-wise highest salary because it can filter out the top salary records where the employee’s salary is higher than the department average....


Overall, sum of all employees’ salaries is understood compared to the rest of the department is crucial for the company as such. Businesses can achieve this by looking at and analyzing their data and determining which individuals are doing a fine job and deserve recognition (maybe even a bonus!). This contributes towards the well-being of all employees who feel respected and treated equally – it is something that matters big time in the workplace. Therefore, you need to continue to study, listen, and understand all these things because ultimately it is about making work better for all....