How to find F critical value in R:

To determine the F critical value R provides us qf() function whose syntax is given below:


qf(p, df1, df2,lower.tail=TRUE)


  • p: It represents the significance level to be used
  • df1: It represents the numerator degrees of freedom
  • df2: It represents the denominator degrees of freedom
  • lower.tail = TRUE: Then the probability to the left of p in the F distribution is returned.
  • lower.tail = TRUE: Then the probability to the right is returned.
  • Note that by default lower.tail is TRUE.

Return Type:

Returns the critical value from the F distribution on the basis of the significance level, numerator degrees of freedom, and denominator degrees of freedom provided.


Let us consider an example in which we want to determine the F critical value for a significance level equal to 0.01, numerator degrees of freedom equal 4, and denominator degrees of freedom = 6.    


# Determine the F critical value
qf(p=.01, df1=4, df2=6, lower.tail=FALSE)


 F critical value

Interpretation of output:

Hence, the F critical value for a significance level of 0.01, numerator degrees of freedom equal to 4, and denominator degrees of freedom equal to 6 comes out to be equal to 9.14830103022785.

Therefore, if a particular type of F test is conducted then we can compare the F test statistic with 9.14830103022785. If the F statistic turns out to be more than 9.14830103022785, then the results of the test are considered statistically significant.

How to Find the F Critical Value in R

When the F test is conducted we get the F statistic as an outcome. In order to determine whether the outcome of an F test is statistically significant or not, the F statistic is compared with an F critical value. If the F-statistic comes out to be greater than F critical value then the results of the test are considered statistically significant.

For finding F critical value, we need to have the following information beforehand:

  • significance level (common choices are 0.01, 0.05, and 0.10)
  • Numerator degrees of freedom
  • Denominator degrees of freedom

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