How to find HCF of 26 and 91

Below are some of the methods of finding HCF of 26 and 91 by:

HCF of 26 and 91 by Prime Factorization Method

Follow the below-given steps to find the HCF of numbers using the prime factorization method.

  • Write each number as a product of prime factors. This method is called prime factorization.
  • Now write the common factors of the two numbers
  • The product of all common prime factors is the HCF

The prime factor of 26 and 91, respectively, are,

  • 26 = 2 × 13
  • 91 = 7 × 13

Since 13 is the largest and only common prime factor of 26 and 91

HCF(26, 91) = 13

HCF of 26 and 91 by Listing Common Factor

Listing Common Factor means identifying the numbers that can evenly divide two or more numbers.

By listing common factor of 26 and 91 we can start by listing the factors of each number:

  • Factor of 26: 1, 2, 13, 26
  • Factor of 91: 1, 7, 13, 91

Since 13 is the highest common factor among 26 and 91

Hence, HCF of 26 and 91 is 13

HCF of 26 and 91 by Long Division

Below are the steps for finding HCF of 26 and 91 by Long Division method:

  • Divide the larger number by the smaller one.
  • Replace the larger number with the smaller one and the smaller number with the Remainder.
  • Repeat step 1 and 2 until we get a remainder of 0.

91 ÷ 26, Q = 3, R = 13

26 ÷ 13, Q = 2, R = 0

Therefore, HCF = 13

HCF of 26 and 91

HCF of 26 and 91 is 13. HCF or Highest Common Factor is the greatest number that divides two or more numbers. HCF is also known as Greatest Common Measure (GCM) or Greatest Common Divisor (GCD). Hence, we can say that GCF or GCD of 26 and 91 is 13.

In this article, we will learn how to HCF of 26 and 91 through Prime Factorization, listing factor, and long division method.

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