How to Fix “chmod: Operation not permitted”?

Below are the solutions to resolve the chmod: Operation not permitted problem in the Linux Operating System.

Solution 1: Use sudo to Gain Proper Permissions

When we encounter the “chmod: Operation not permitted” error, it typically means you do not have the required permissions to change the file or directory’s attributes. Using sudo allows you to execute commands with superuser privileges, thereby granting you the necessary permissions to modify the file.


sudo chmod [permissions] [filename]


sudo chmod 755 /tmp/gfg


Use sudo to Gain Proper Permissions

Solution 2: Change File Ownership

If you frequently need to modify the file, a more permanent solution is to change the ownership of the file to your user. This will allow you to manage the file without needing to use sudo for each operation. Use the chown command to change the owner of the file.


sudo chown [username]:[groupname] [filename]


sudo chown cybergeek:cybergeek /tmp/gfg
chmod 755 /tmp/gfg


Change File Ownership

How To Fix – chmod: Operation not permitted

In Linux, while performing permission operations using the chmod command, you might encounter the “chmod: Operation not permitted” error. This error typically occurs when you lack the necessary privileges to change the permissions of a file or directory. Resolving this issue requires either obtaining appropriate permissions or modifying file ownership. Here are two effective solutions to fix this error.

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In conclusion, encountering the “chmod: Operation not permitted” error in Linux typically means you lack the necessary permissions. By using sudo to execute commands with superuser privileges or changing the file ownership to your user, you can resolve this issue and successfully modify file permissions....