How to Install Pytest?

To install Pytest, you can use the package manager for your Python environment, typically either ‘pip’ or ‘condo’. Here are the general steps for installing Pytest using ‘pip’.

Open a terminal or command prompt:

  • On Windows, You can use Command Prompt or Power Shell.
  • On macOS or Linux, you can use the terminal.

Install Pytest using pip :


pip install pytest

After installing Pytest in you System , You need to verify the installing .

Verify the installation :

You can verify that Pytest is installed by checking its version:


pytest --version

This should display installed version of pytest.

You have successfully installed Pytest. Now, you can use Pytest run your tests using pytest. If you have not written any tests yet , You can start by creating a file. Below is the given examples to write a basic test

Getting Started with Pytest

Python Pytest is a framework based on Python. It is mainly used to write API test cases. It helps you write better programs. In the present days of REST services, Pytest is mainly used for API testing even though we can use Pytest to write simple to complex test cases, i.e., we can write codes to test API, UI, database, etc.

In this article, we will learn about What is Pytest, the Installation of Pytest, and How you can write the test.

Table of Content

  • How to Install Pytest?
  • Write our Basic Test
  • Multiple Tests at a Time
  • What are Python Testing Frameworks?
  • Advantages of Pytest
  • Conclusion

It’s better to test your programs in Visual Studio code. Make sure Python has to be installed in your system and its extensions have to be installed in VS Code before testing your code.

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How to Install Pytest?

To install Pytest, you can use the package manager for your Python environment, typically either ‘pip’ or ‘condo’. Here are the general steps for installing Pytest using ‘pip’....

Write our Basic Test


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