How to Make a Discord Bot in Python

First and foremost we need to have a dedicated server where we are going to setup our bot. This bot will work on a single channel on this server. To create a server you need to have a discord account if you don’t have one yet you can create one by simply going to

Step 1: Click on add server (plus) button on the left sidebar this will open create server interface. Choose the template of your server.

Creating a Server

Step 2: Choose if you using this server for fun or community.

Additional server info

Step 3: Choose a good and catchy name for your server if you are using this for the community you can simply give the name of your community or business.

Name of Server

Step 4: You Server is now created

Server Created

Creating a Discord Bot in Python

If you are familiar with online communities and if you are a part of one or you own one, you must have heard about discord and in discord, you may have seen bots managing those communities. So in this article, we are going to set up our discord developer portal account and will create a discord bot. A minimal bot with basic functionalities and if you want you can always extend the functionalities of this bot according to your needs.

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How to Make a Discord Bot in Python

First and foremost we need to have a dedicated server where we are going to setup our bot. This bot will work on a single channel on this server. To create a server you need to have a discord account if you don’t have one yet you can create one by simply going to

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