How to Make a Discord Server Private on Mobile

Step 1: Open Discord Mobile App

Launch Discord Appplication on your Mobile phone.

Open Discord App

Step 2: Select a Server and Click on Three Dots

Now select a “Server” which you want to make private and then click on the three dots to open the “server menu”.

Select a Server & Open Server Settings

Step 3: Select Settings

Now select “Server settings” to make changes in your server.

Select Server Settings

Step 4: Navigate to User Management and Select Roles

Now Scroll down to “User Management” and Select “Roles” Options from the menu.

Select the “Roles” tab

Step 5: Select “@everyone” role

From the Server Roles select @everyone to change default permissions for all server members.

Server Roles > Select @everyone

Step 6: Disable All the Permissions

Deactivate all permissions associated with the “@everyone” role. This action ensures that no member has the ability to edit or modify any aspect of the server. Once you have disabled all these permissions, finalize your changes by clicking the “Save” button.

Disable all the Permissions

How to Make a Discord Server Private

Discord offers various settings and features that enable server administrators to maintain privacy and manage member access effectively. Creating a private Discord server is an excellent way to ensure a secure and exclusive environment for communication. Having a private server can provide the necessary control over who can join and participate in discussions.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps to transform your Discord server into a private hub, including configuring server settings, setting up invite-only access, and implementing role-based permissions.

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Creating a private Discord server goes beyond access control, increases belonging and trust. Customizing roles, permissions, and channels empowers admins to align the server with its purpose. This guide summarizes making a server private by adjusting settings and disabling “@everyone” permissions. The process involves simple steps for a cohesive and dedicated community. Crafting a private server is about valuing members, customization, and secure spaces, reflecting Discord’s principles and nurturing a thriving digital community....

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