How to Perform a Wald Test in R?

In R, there are many packages that helps to performing Wald tests.

  1. lmtest: This package provides the waldtest() function, which can be used to perform Wald tests on coefficients in linear regression models.
  2. car: The car package provides the linearHypothesis() function, which can perform various types of hypothesis tests, including Wald tests, for linear regression models.
  3. aod: It is known for functions related to overdispersion analysis but the aod package also provides the wald.test() function, which can perform Wald tests for coefficients in regression models.

Here we perform a Wald test using the lmtest package with the ‘mtcars’ dataset from R.

# Load necessary library

# Fit regression model
model <- lm(mpg ~ disp + hp + wt, data = mtcars)

# Perform Wald test to determine if the coefficients of disp and hp 
wald_result <- waldtest(model, terms = c("disp", "hp"))

# Print the result


Wald test

Model 1: mpg ~ disp + hp + wt
Model 2: mpg ~ wt
Res.Df Df F Pr(>F)
1 28
2 30 -2 5.983 0.006863 **
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Fit a linear regression model to predict mpg using the disp, hp, and wt variables from the mtcars dataset.

  • The waldtest() function from the lmtest package to perform a Wald test to determine if the coefficients of disp and hp are simultaneously equal to zero.
  • The result of the Wald test is printed, indicating whether the null hypothesis (both coefficients are zero) is rejected or not.

Model 1: This represents the more complex model, which includes the predictors disp, hp, and wt to predict mpg.

  • Model 2: This represents the simpler model, which includes only the predictor wt to predict mpg.
  • Res.Df: This indicates the residual degrees of freedom, which is the difference between the total number of observations and the number of parameters estimated in the model.
  • Df: This represents the change in degrees of freedom between Model 1 and Model 2. In this case, Model 2 has 2 fewer parameters estimated compared to Model 1 because it includes fewer predictors.
  • F: This is the test statistic for the Wald test. It follows an F-distribution under the null hypothesis that the parameters in the reduced model (Model 2) are equal to zero. In other words, it tests whether the additional predictors in Model 1 contribute significantly to the model.
  • Pr(>F): This is the p-value associated with the F-test statistic. It represents the probability of observing an F-statistic as extreme as the one calculated under the null hypothesis. In this case, the p-value is 0.006863, which is less than 0.05, suggesting strong evidence against the null hypothesis.

Significance codes: These asterisks provide a quick indication of the level of significance of the test. In this case, ** indicates significance at the 0.01 level.

In this example we create a dataset with a binary outcome variable and several predictor variables, and then perform a logistic regression analysis with a Wald test using the aod package.

# Load necessary library

# Generate synthetic data
set.seed(123)  # for reproducibility
n <- 100  # number of observations

# Predictor variables
x1 <- rnorm(n)  # continuous predictor
x2 <- sample(0:1, n, replace = TRUE)  # binary predictor
x3 <- rnorm(n)  # continuous predictor
x4 <- sample(0:1, n, replace = TRUE)  # binary predictor

# Outcome variable (binary)
y <- rbinom(n, 1, plogis(-1 + 0.5 * x1 + 0.8 * x2 - 0.3 * x3 + 0.6 * x4))

# Combine variables into a dataframe
data <- data.frame(y, x1, x2, x3, x4)

# Fit logistic regression model
model <- glm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4, data = data, family = "binomial")

# Perform Wald test to determine if the coefficients of x3 and x4 
wald_result <- wald.test(b = coef(model), Sigma = vcov(model), Terms = c(4, 5))

# Print the result


Wald test:

Chi-squared test:
X2 = 2.1, df = 2, P(> X2) = 0.36

Set a seed for reproducibility then generate synthetic data with 100 observations.

  • x1 and x3 are continuous predictors sampled from a normal distribution.
  • x2 and x4 are binary predictors sampled from a Bernoulli distribution.
  • y is a binary outcome variable generated from a logistic regression model.
  • Fit a logistic regression model using the glm() function.
  • The formula y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 specifies the model with predictors x1, x2, x3, and x4.
  • We specify family = “binomial” to indicate logistic regression for binary outcomes.
  • Use the wald.test() function to perform a Wald test.
  • b = coef(model) specifies the coefficient estimates obtained from the logistic regression model.
  • Sigma = vcov(model) specifies the variance-covariance matrix of the coefficients obtained from the logistic regression model.
  • Terms = c(4, 5) specifies the indices of the coefficients corresponding to x3 and x4 that we want to test simultaneously.

Chi-squared test: This indicates that the test statistic follows a chi-squared distribution.

  • X2: This is the value of the chi-squared test statistic. In this case, it is 2.1.
  • df: This represents the degrees of freedom associated with the chi-squared distribution.
  • P(> X2): This is the p-value associated with the chi-squared test statistic. It represents the probability of observing a chi-squared statistic as extreme as the one calculated under the null hypothesis. In this case, the p-value is 0.36.

Uses of Wald Test in R

  1. Hypothesis Testing: The Wald test is often used to test specific hypotheses about the coefficients in a regression model.
  2. Comparison of Nested Models: The Wald test can be used to compare nested models, where one model is a special case of another.
  3. Test Statistic: The Wald test statistic is calculated by squaring the ratio of the estimated coefficient to its standard error.
  4. P-value: The p-value associated with the Wald test measures the likelihood of observing such a test statistic under the null hypothesis.
  5. Decision: If the p-value is small then we reject the null hypothesis, indicating significance. If it’s larger, we fail to reject the null, suggesting non-significance.

How to Perform a Wald Test in R

In this article, we will discuss What is the Wald Test and How to Perform a Wald Test in R Programming Language.

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In summary, the Wald test is a useful statistical tool for determining the significance of coefficients in regression models. It assesses whether specific predictors have a meaningful impact on the outcome. By comparing coefficients to their standard errors, it helps researchers understand which variables contribute significantly to the model’s predictive ability. Overall, the Wald test is a straightforward and widely-used method for hypothesis testing in regression analysis....