How to Resolve ModuleNotFoundError?

  • Check if the imported modules are installed or not
  • Check if the module name and spelling are correct or not
  • Check if the module exists or not
  • Check if the module path is correct or not
  • Check for Version Compatibility

Check if the imported modules are installed or not:

Whenever you encounter “ModuleNotFoundError” can check if the imported modules are installed in your Python environment by using try’ and ‘except’ blocks to handle the error gracefully.


    import module_name
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    print("The module 'module_name' is not installed. ")
    # You can include additional instruction here, such as installing the module.
    # Code to run if the module  is successfully imported
    print(" Module 'module_name' is installed. ")


The module 'module_name' is not installed.

If the modules are missing or not installed on your Python environment, you can install it using a package manager like ‘pip’ or check if it is already included with your Python installation.

pip install module_name

Check if module name and spelling are correct or not

As we know python is case-sensitive language, So double-check your module name and verify case sensitivity to make sure you have entered correct module name and there are no type or case sensitive error.

import pands as pd

Output if we enter wrong module name

Check if the Module Exists or Not

Make sure that the module that you are trying to import really exists or not. You can check module existence either by checking python’s standard library, any other third-party library you are using or compare with official documentation.

import tiger as td

Module existed or not

Check if Module Path is Correct or not

In Pythonsys.path is a list that represents search paths for python modules. It is a list of directory names that python will look for modules when you try to import modules using the import statement. Make sure that the module you are trying to import is located in a directory that is part of python ‘sys.path’.

If your module is not in any of these directories, you need to move the module to a directory that is in ‘sys.path’ or modify the PYTHONPATH environment variables. You can also print the path to see either the list of python directories searches for modules:


import sys


To Print Module Path

Check for Version Compatibility

Make sure that the module you are trying to import is compatible with your python version on your system. These issues typically occur when you have multiple versions of a package installed, or when your code depends on a specific version of a package that is not available. To resolve such error you have to upgrade your python to the newest version.

To check for version compatibility in a “ModuleNotFoundError”, you can take the following steps:

  1. check Installed Package version : To list all installed packages and their versions in your python environment use the ‘pip list’ command.
  2. check your code : Examine the python code to see if you’ve specified version for the module you’re trying to import. if you have installed, ensure that the version matches to the required one.
  3. Upgrade or Downgrade Packages: If there is version mismatch of packages, you can update the package to the required version using ‘pip’.

Upgrading the Package.

pip install --upgrade package_name

Downgrading the packages to a specific version:

pip install package_name==desired_version

Check for IDE or Editor

Make sure that the IDEs (Integrated Development Environment) or code editors you are using cannot have issues with their internal module management systems. it’s also possible sometimes that the IDEs or code editors not recognizing the module properly. Restarting your IDE or code editor or try different IDE or editor might help you to resolve such issues.


In conclusion, resolving the “ModuleNotFoundError” in the python first needs to double-check the module name, check it’s installation status and check the module’s location in the project model and python’s search paths. At last also check for any upgrades for your python to the newest version. By resolving these issues you should be able to resolve the error and successfully import the module in your python’s programs. If you still encountered same problem, Check your IDEs or Code Editors and try to restart it to see if the issue resolves.

How to Fix The Module Not Found Error?

In this article, we are going to cover topics related to ‘ Module Not Found Error’ and what the error means. the reason for the occurrence of this error and how can we handle this error.

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How to Resolve ModuleNotFoundError?

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