How to Save and Read Articles on Instapaper?

Step 1: First, log in to Instapaper. If you are already signed in, then skip to step 3. If you don’t have an account, then create a fresh account.

Step 2: Enter the Email and Password, Click create account.

Step 3: After signing in, click “More” and select “How to save”

Step 4: To easily access and save articles, news or videos on Instapaper, create its bookmark. InstapaperFor this drag the bookmarklet below to your Bookmark bar.

Step 5: Open the article you want to save, Now simply click on the save to Instapapercreated bookmark icon we just created (as shown below).

With this, you can save your favourite web content on Instapaper anytime. Moreover, people like to integrate their Instapaper accounts with Kindle to ensure distraction-free reading.

How to Read Instapaper and Pocket Articles on Kindle?

You can save web articles, news items, and other stuff for later reading on Instapaper and Pocket. Some people would rather read stored information on their phone or computer than on their Kindle e-reader.

Why? Because there aren’t any interruptions or pop-up notifications like on other devices, reading on a Kindle can be more enjoyable. Long reading sessions are easier for the eyes because the Kindle screen mimics a real book.

In today’s article we learn how to read Instapaper and Pocket articles on Kindle but first, let’s see how to save and read articles on Instapaper.

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