How to Tackle Cyber Crime

The most important part is to have a thorough knowledge and awareness about privacy and cyber crimes to avoid people being vulnerable to such threats. There must be more education on cyber crimes and online fraud and how to get rid of or handle them. Cyber literacy should start from the basic level with adequate knowledge about good operating practices.

It is necessary to remain extra vigilant about cyber privacy and security. Proper awareness and education can help teach good habits and techniques while working online with digital devices. There has been an increasing trend in cyber crime against women involving blackmailing, fake profiles, morphed images, and publishing or transmitting sexually explicit messages online. 

Cyber Crime Against Women

Cyber Crime Against Women: Cybercrime affects women the most. It subjects them to mental and emotional harassment. The most common cyber crimes against women include blackmail, threats, cyberpornography, publishing of obscene sexual content. It also includes stalking, bullying, defamation, morphing, and the establishment of fake profiles.

Let’s discuss about cyber crime against women, laws in India, its prevention and government initiatives in detail.

Table of Content

  • Cyber Crime Against Women
  • Cyber Crime Types
  • How to Tackle Cyber Crime
  • Measures for Cyber Safety
  • Cyber Laws for Women’s Safety
  • Cyber-Security and Government of India
  • Preventing Cyber Crime Against Women
  • Cyber Violence Against Women- Data

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