How to Use CASE Expression?

For performing the operations, We should have one table on which operations will be performed. If you don’t know How to Create a table in SQL Server then refer this.

We have created a table called studentsMarkList which contains studentId, studentName, studentName and marksObtained as Columns. Also, we have inserted some data into the studentsMarkList table.

After Inserting some data our table studentsMarkList Looks Like:

studentsMarkList Table

Let’s see how to assign R grade for students of particular studentId of 19104067 and 19104068 using the simple CASE expression

WHEN studentId = 19104067 THEN 'R'
WHEN studentId = 19104068 THEN 'R'
END AS 'gradeObtained'



Explanation: In this query, it will return a result set with columns ‘studentName‘ and ‘gradeObtained‘, where ‘gradeObtained‘ contains ‘R‘ for students with ‘studentId19104067 or 19104068 and NULL for all other students.

Let’s see the use of Searched CASE to assign the grades of the students based on the marks with the following 90-100 -> A, 80-90->B,70-80->C,60-70->D,50-60->E, 40-50->F , <40 -> R

WHEN marksObtained>=91 AND marksObtained<=100 THEN 'A'
WHEN marksObtained>=81 AND marksObtained<=90 THEN 'B'
WHEN marksObtained>=71 AND marksObtained<=80 THEN 'C'
WHEN marksObtained>=61 AND marksObtained<=70 THEN 'D'
WHEN marksObtained>=51 AND marksObtained<=60 THEN 'E'
WHEN marksObtained>=41 AND marksObtained<=50 THEN 'F'
END AS gradeObtained
FROM studentsMarkList



Explanation: This Query is based on Searched Case Expression which return a result set with all columns from ‘studentsMarkList‘ and an additional column ‘gradeObtained‘ indicating the grade based on the specified conditions.

Let’ see the CASE expression with the UPDATE statement to update the marks of students from studentIds till 19104065:

UPDATE studentsMarkList
SET marksObtained = (
WHEN studentId < 19104065 THEN marksObtained+1
ELSE marksObtained



Explanation: In the query we have used the UPDATE statement to update the marks of all the students for the studentIds <19104065 by 1 using CASE expression.

SQL Server CASE Expression

The CASE expression is used to show another column which can be evaluated based on the conditions depending on the existing columns. The CASE expression consists of WHEN and THEN statements. WHEN is used when the condition satisfies and THEN executes the operation or assignment of value of that column based on the evaluation of the expression. The CASE statement can contain multiple WHEN and THEN statements based on the conditions. The THEN can also contain the ELSE statement if the condition in THEN is not satisfied then the ELSE statement will be assigned.

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We can use the CASE statement when we have multiple conditions and based on the condition we should assign a particular value to a column and also in the case where we have to aggregate on the basis of a particular condition, the CASE expression becomes very useful....