IDE Setup for the Project

Let us set up our IDE by creating the Spring Boot project. To create a Spring Boot Project, Navigate to the File menu > New > Others > Spring Starter Project

Configure the project according to your requirements.

Note: Here, Java version 8, Maven build management tool and Eclipse IDE used for Java and Web Developers 2023-06

We can also add the following dependencies within a click while setting up the project.

Required dependencies

Spring Boot DevTools
Spring Web Services

And once you have added these dependencies, click ‘finish‘ the project will be created.

Spring Boot – Customize Whitelabel Error Page

In the Spring Boot ecosystem, when there is no custom error page to handle a specific error, Spring Boot by default handles the error with the help of the Whitelabel error page.

This is the default Whitelabel error page. We can also customize this whitelabel error page. In this article, let us discuss some approaches to customize this Whitelabel error page.

Note: We can disable the Whitelabel Error Page by setting the server.error.whitelabel.enabled property to false.

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IDE Setup for the Project

Let us set up our IDE by creating the Spring Boot project. To create a Spring Boot Project, Navigate to the File menu > New > Others > Spring Starter Project...

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