IISF Experience

On 4th November, I went to my school and from there we(students) went to the railway experience. From Ranchi, I boarded my train. It was my first train journey without my parents. I was happy, nervous and excited,all at the same time. It was an 8-hour long journey, but I enjoyed it so much that it didn’t feel that long. We arrived at Kolkata at around 3 Pm. Then, we all went to a 4 star hotel, that was booked for us. It was my first ever stay at such a luxurious hotel. I still remember, that night none of us slept because of excitement.

1st Day at IISF(5th Nov):-

The next day, we were taken to the Biswa Bangla Convention Centre in Kolkata, which was the main venue for IISF. After we reached there, we were given the IISF kit which consisted of 2 IISF t-shirts, a bottle having the IISF logo, a diary, a pen, and some IISF logo stickers. We all wore those T-shirts and then headed towards to the main hall to attend the inauguration ceremony. The hall was filled with students from almost all states. The festival was inaugurated virtually by our honorable PM Narendra Modi. He spoke about the importance of scientists in our society. Also, he encouraged us to do scientific inventions. Then, many prominent scientists gave some really interesting lectures on various topics. Then after the session was over, I interacted with many students who were from different schools of different states. I got to learn about their culture. It was an amazing experience filled with lot of learning. Then, we(our school group) went to our hotel.

2nd day at IISF (6th Nov):-

On the 2nd day at IISF, we were taken to the Science City of Kolkata. In the science city, first, we went to the space Odyssey section. There I saw a laser show which was based on celestial phenomena, astronomy, and space missions. I got to learn about the solar system, galaxies, and the universe’s mysteries. It was indeed a great experience. Then, we went to the evolution park in where I saw life-size models of dinosaurs. Seeing those huge models was such an enriching experience. Then, we visited some other places such as Earth Exploration Hall, Science Exploration Hall, and Science show theatre and at last, we sat on the toy train and enjoyed that ride to the fullest.

3rd day at IISF(7th Nov):-

On the 3rd day at IISF, many cool science experiments were conducted. I did many experiments such as blood color experiments, paper cutting experiment, friction games, etc. Also, I participated in dumb charades and also I gave a short speech on stage on the topic “Science & Technology”. The day was full of fun and exciting activities. The 3rd day ended on a good note.

4th Day at IISF(8th Nov):-

This was the last day at IISF. In this day, a Guinness World Record was made for the largest astrophysics lesson (45 minutes) and assembly of spectroscopes. I was proud and thrilled to be a part of the world record. After that, many more fun activities and workshops were conducted. That day we went to see various famous monuments of Kolkata such as The Victoria  Memorial, Indian Museum, Zoological Garden, etc. Then, we came back and the IISF ended with a  speech by prominent personality in the field of science.

5th Day at Kolkata(9th Nov):-

This was my last day at Kolkata. Our train was scheduled on 6 PM. So, our school group decided watch a movie at the theatre. Then, we went to theatre and watched the movie-“The Life of Pi”. It was a great movie. This was the first time in my life , I visited a cinema hall. It was an amazing experience. Then, we boarded our train. During the return journey, we shared our personal experiences with each other and talked the whole night.

IISF Fest Experience

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IISF Experience:

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