Image segmentation vs. object detection vs. image classification

The comparison between Image segmentation, object detection and image classification are as follows:


Image Classification

Object Detection

Image Segmentation


Assign a label or category to the whole image

Identifies and locates multiple objects

Divide the image into meaningful regions


Single label or category

Bounding boxes around detected objects

Pixel-wise segmentation masks


High-level classification of the entire image

Detection of objects with localization

Detailed segmentation of objects and background


Simpler and faster

Moderate complexity

Typically more complex and computationally intensive


Image search, content filtering

Self-driving cars, facial recognition

Medical imaging, autonomous robots


“Cat” for a picture of a cat

Cars & pedestrians in a traffic scene

Separating tumor from healthy tissue in an X-ray

Explain Image Segmentation : Techniques and Applications

Image segmentation is one of the key computer vision tasks, It separates objects, boundaries, or structures within the image for more meaningful analysis. Image segmentation plays an important role in extracting meaningful information from images, enabling computers to perceive and understand visual data in a manner that humans understand, view, and perceive. In this article let us discuss in detail image segmentation, types of image segmentation, how image segmentation is done, and its use cases in different domains.

What is Image Segmentation

Table of Content

  • What is Image Segmentation?
  • Why do we need Image Segmentation?
  • Image segmentation vs. object detection vs. image classification
  • Semantic Classes in Image Segmentation: Things and Stuff.
  • Semantic segmentation
  • Instance segmentation
  • Panoptic segmentation
  • Traditional image segmentation techniques
  • Deep learning image segmentation models
  • Applications of Image segmentation
  • Conclusion:

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Why do we need Image Segmentation?

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Semantic Classes in Image Segmentation: Things and Stuff.

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Semantic segmentation

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Panoptic segmentation

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Traditional image segmentation techniques

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Deep learning image segmentation models

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Applications of Image segmentation

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In this article about Image Segmentation in image process, we have discussed about one of the key computer vision tasks and how this process helps image processing and analysis in many different fields including medical image analytics for diagnosis and planning better treatment methods. Also this article delves into the traditional image segmentation models over how advanced deep learning models are used today in image processing and segmentation tasks....