Impact of White Supremacy

White supremacy causes profound and lasting harm, not only to the individuals and communities it directly targets but to the fabric of our society as a whole. Here are some of its most damaging consequences, supported by research:

  • Trauma and Harm to Targeted Communities: Experiencing discrimination, hate crimes, and the constant threat of violence inflicts deep psychological and emotional wounds on individuals from minority groups. A meta-analysis by Paradies, Y., et al. (“Racism as a Determinant of Health: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis” PLoS One, 2015) found strong evidence linking racism to poorer mental health outcomes, including anxiety, depression, and PTSD. This trauma impacts a sense of safety and belonging.
  • Eroding Social Cohesion and Trust: White supremacy fuels division, hatred, and a climate of fear that undermines the possibility of a just and equitable society. It weakens trust between communities and fosters a cycle of injustice and retaliation.
  • Economic Costs: Discrimination in employment, housing, and education hinders opportunities for people of color, contributing to the racial wealth gap and perpetuating systemic inequities. This, in turn, has a significant cost for the broader economy, as untapped potential and persistent inequality limit overall progress.
  • National Security Threat: White supremacist extremism is increasingly recognized as a serious domestic terrorism threat. Groups espousing this ideology have fueled violent incidents and plots, posing a danger to public safety.

It’s important to understand that the impact of white supremacy extends far beyond readily visible acts of hate. It is embedded in the structures of our society, limiting opportunities, perpetuating trauma, and undermining the very foundations of democracy.

White Supremacist: Meaning, Manifestation, Impacts and Strategies

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