Implementation of AND Gate From NOR Gate

Now we have to see how can we use NOR gate to create the logic of AND gate. Note that if we take 3 NOR gates where we use the first two NOR gate to invert the input values and use the third NOR gate to to invert the output of previous two NOR gates ,we will get an output which will be equal to AND of the two input variables. Let us see the implementation below

Implementation of AND using NOR

The output of first two NOR gates

Y1=A’ and Y2=B’

The output of first third NOR gate


∴ Y=A.B

Since the final output is the output of AND gate means our realization of circuit is correct and we build the correct circuit.

Implementation of AND Gate from NOR Gate

Digital electronics revolves around storing data in bits of 1s and 0s. Not only is digital electronics an efficient way of storing data but it also makes it easier to encrypt and secure our data. It is awesome how we can use different logic gates to implement some functions and represent these equations.
In this article, we will see how we can represent an AND logic which is high using a NOR logic which represents complement. Firstly, we will individually understand these gates and then we will implement them.

Table of Content

  • AND Gate
  • NOR Gate
  • Implementation
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs

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Here we saw how we can use a basic gate called ‘NOR’ gate to implement ‘AND’ gate .This is important as it helps us analyse the working behind basic gates and we can understand how we can implement it using other gates. This is a basic level implementation of gates and there can be many more complex realization using other basic gates. It is advised that readers go through all other realization to understand the basic functioning behind other important gates. Some Frequently Asked Questions have been answered that cover some other basic concepts .Readers can refer to these questions as well....

Implementation of AND Gate From NOR Gate – FAQs

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