Implementation of Dijkstra’s Algorithm

1. Dense Graph

For Dense Graphs where m is approximately equal to n2 (m= no. of edges and n= no. of vertices) it is optimal to follow the following approach:

  • Create two arrays dis[] and vis[]. vis[] is a Boolean array where vis[v] tells whether the vertex v is marked or not (whether the shortest distance from source to vertex v is determined or not) and dis[v] represents minimum distance from source to a marked vertex v.
  • Set dis[src]=0 and vis[src]=1, where src is the source node.
  • Perform n iterations,
    • On each iteration, choose a vertex v with the smallest value of dis[v] and that is unmarked (vis[v] is false). Set vis[v] as true.
    • Iterate over all edges (v->u) and set dis[u]=min(dis[u], dis[v]+w), where w is weight of edge from vertex v to u.

Below is the implementation of above approach:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Dijkstra's algorithm for dense graphs
vector<int> dijkstra(int n,
                    vector<vector<pair<int, int> > >& adj,
                    int src)
    // Array to store minimum distances
    vector<int> dis(n + 1, INT_MAX);

    // Array to mark visited vertices
    vector<bool> vis(n + 1, false);

    // Set the distance to the source as 0
    dis[src] = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        int v = -1;
        for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
            if (!vis[j] && (v == -1 || dis[j] < dis[v]))
                v = j;

        if (dis[v] == INT_MAX)
        // Mark vertex v as visited
        vis[v] = true;

        for (auto edge : adj[v]) {
            // Neighbor vertex
            int x = edge.first;
            // Edge weight
            int wt = edge.second;

            // Update the distance if a shorter path is
            // found
            if (dis[v] + wt < dis[x]) {
                dis[x] = dis[v] + wt;
    // Return the array of minimum distances
    return dis;

int main()
    // Number of vertices
    int n = 6;
    // Adjacency list
    vector<vector<pair<int, int> > > adj(n + 1);

    // Example: adding edges to the adjacency list

    // Edge from vertex 1 to 2 with weight 3
    adj[1].push_back({ 2, 3 });
    // Edge from vertex 1 to 3 with weight 5
    adj[1].push_back({ 3, 5 });
    // Edge from vertex 2 to 3 with weight 1
    adj[2].push_back({ 3, 1 });
    // Edge from vertex 3 to 4 with weight 2
    adj[3].push_back({ 4, 2 });
    // Edge from vertex 2 to 4 with weight 7
    adj[2].push_back({ 4, 7 });

    int src = 1; // Source vertex

    vector<int> distances = dijkstra(n, adj, src);

    // Print the minimum distances from the source to all
    // other vertices
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        cout << "Minimum distance from vertex " << src
            << " to " << i << " is " << distances[i]
            << "\n";

    return 0;
// Java Implementation

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class Main {
    // Dijkstra's algorithm for dense graphs
    static List<Integer> dijkstra(int n, List<List<Pair>> adj, int src) {
        // Array to store minimum distances
        int[] dis = new int[n + 1];
        Arrays.fill(dis, Integer.MAX_VALUE);

        // Array to mark visited vertices
        boolean[] vis = new boolean[n + 1];

        // Set the distance to the source as 0
        dis[src] = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            int v = -1;
            for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
                if (!vis[j] && (v == -1 || dis[j] < dis[v]))
                    v = j;

            if (dis[v] == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
            // Mark vertex v as visited
            vis[v] = true;

            for (Pair edge : adj.get(v)) {
                // Neighbor vertex
                int x = edge.vertex;
                // Edge weight
                int wt = edge.weight;

                // Update the distance if a shorter path is found
                if (dis[v] + wt < dis[x]) {
                    dis[x] = dis[v] + wt;
        // Return the array of minimum distances
        List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
        return result;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Number of vertices
        int n = 6;
        // Adjacency list
        List<List<Pair>> adj = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
            adj.add(new ArrayList<>());

        // Example: adding edges to the adjacency list

        // Edge from vertex 1 to 2 with weight 3
        adj.get(1).add(new Pair(2, 3));
        // Edge from vertex 1 to 3 with weight 5
        adj.get(1).add(new Pair(3, 5));
        // Edge from vertex 2 to 3 with weight 1
        adj.get(2).add(new Pair(3, 1));
        // Edge from vertex 3 to 4 with weight 2
        adj.get(3).add(new Pair(4, 2));
        // Edge from vertex 2 to 4 with weight 7
        adj.get(2).add(new Pair(4, 7));

        int src = 1; // Source vertex

        List<Integer> distances = dijkstra(n, adj, src);

        // Print the minimum distances from the source to all other vertices
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
            System.out.println("Minimum distance from vertex " + 
                               src + " to " + i + " is " + distances.get(i));

    static class Pair {
        int vertex;
        int weight;

        Pair(int v, int w) {
            vertex = v;
            weight = w;

// This code is contributed by Sakshi
import sys

# Dijkstra's algorithm for dense graphs
def dijkstra(n, adj, src):
    # Array to store minimum distances
    dis = [sys.maxsize] * (n + 1)

    # Array to mark visited vertices
    vis = [False] * (n + 1)

    # Set the distance to the source as 0
    dis[src] = 0

    for _ in range(n):
        v = -1
        for j in range(1, n + 1):
            if not vis[j] and (v == -1 or dis[j] < dis[v]):
                v = j

        if dis[v] == sys.maxsize:
        # Mark vertex v as visited
        vis[v] = True

        for edge in adj[v]:
            # Neighbor vertex
            x = edge[0]
            # Edge weight
            wt = edge[1]

            # Update the distance if a shorter path is found
            if dis[v] + wt < dis[x]:
                dis[x] = dis[v] + wt

    # Return the array of minimum distances
    return dis

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Number of vertices
    n = 6
    # Adjacency list
    adj = [[] for _ in range(n + 1)]

    # Example: adding edges to the adjacency list

    # Edge from vertex 1 to 2 with weight 3
    adj[1].append((2, 3))
    # Edge from vertex 1 to 3 with weight 5
    adj[1].append((3, 5))
    # Edge from vertex 2 to 3 with weight 1
    adj[2].append((3, 1))
    # Edge from vertex 3 to 4 with weight 2
    adj[3].append((4, 2))
    # Edge from vertex 2 to 4 with weight 7
    adj[2].append((4, 7))

    src = 1 # Source vertex

    distances = dijkstra(n, adj, src)

    # Print the minimum distances from the source to all other vertices
    for i in range(1, n + 1):
        print("Minimum distance from vertex", src, "to", i, "is", distances[i])
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Program
    // Dijkstra's algorithm for dense graphs
    static List<int> Dijkstra(int n, List<List<Tuple<int, int>>> adj, int src)
        // Array to store minimum distances
        List<int> dis = new List<int>(new int[n + 1]);
        for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++)
            dis[i] = int.MaxValue;

        // Array to mark visited vertices
        bool[] vis = new bool[n + 1];

        // Set the distance to the source as 0
        dis[src] = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            int v = -1;
            for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++)
                if (!vis[j] && (v == -1 || dis[j] < dis[v]))
                    v = j;

            if (dis[v] == int.MaxValue)

            // Mark vertex v as visited
            vis[v] = true;

            foreach (var edge in adj[v])
                // Neighbor vertex
                int x = edge.Item1;
                // Edge weight
                int wt = edge.Item2;

                // Update the distance if a shorter path is found
                if (dis[v] + wt < dis[x])
                    dis[x] = dis[v] + wt;
        // Return the list of minimum distances
        return dis;

    static void Main()
        // Number of vertices
        int n = 6;

        // Adjacency list
        List<List<Tuple<int, int>>> adj = new List<List<Tuple<int, int>>>(n + 1);
        for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++)
            adj.Add(new List<Tuple<int, int>>());

        // Example: adding edges to the adjacency list

        // Edge from vertex 1 to 2 with weight 3
        adj[1].Add(new Tuple<int, int>(2, 3));
        // Edge from vertex 1 to 3 with weight 5
        adj[1].Add(new Tuple<int, int>(3, 5));
        // Edge from vertex 2 to 3 with weight 1
        adj[2].Add(new Tuple<int, int>(3, 1));
        // Edge from vertex 3 to 4 with weight 2
        adj[3].Add(new Tuple<int, int>(4, 2));
        // Edge from vertex 2 to 4 with weight 7
        adj[2].Add(new Tuple<int, int>(4, 7));

        int src = 1; // Source vertex

        List<int> distances = Dijkstra(n, adj, src);

        // Print the minimum distances from the source to all other vertices
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            Console.WriteLine($"Minimum distance from vertex {src} to {i} is {distances[i]}");
// JavaScript Implementation

// Function to implement Dijkstra's algorithm for dense graphs
function dijkstra(n, adj, src) {
    // Array to store minimum distances
    let dis = new Array(n + 1).fill(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER);

    // Array to mark visited vertices
    let vis = new Array(n + 1).fill(false);

    // Set the distance to the source as 0
    dis[src] = 0;

    for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        let v = -1;
        for (let j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
            if (!vis[j] && (v == -1 || dis[j] < dis[v]))
                v = j;

        if (dis[v] == Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)
        // Mark vertex v as visited
        vis[v] = true;

        for (let edge of adj[v]) {
            // Neighbor vertex
            let x = edge.vertex;
            // Edge weight
            let wt = edge.weight;

            // Update the distance if a shorter path is found
            if (dis[v] + wt < dis[x]) {
                dis[x] = dis[v] + wt;
    // Return the array of minimum distances
    return dis.slice(1); // Remove the first element (index 0)

// Example usage
// Number of vertices
let n = 6;
// Adjacency list
let adj = new Array(n + 1).fill(null).map(() => []);

// Example: adding edges to the adjacency list

// Edge from vertex 1 to 2 with weight 3
adj[1].push({ vertex: 2, weight: 3 });
// Edge from vertex 1 to 3 with weight 5
adj[1].push({ vertex: 3, weight: 5 });
// Edge from vertex 2 to 3 with weight 1
adj[2].push({ vertex: 3, weight: 1 });
// Edge from vertex 3 to 4 with weight 2
adj[3].push({ vertex: 4, weight: 2 });
// Edge from vertex 2 to 4 with weight 7
adj[2].push({ vertex: 4, weight: 7 });

let src = 1; // Source vertex

let distances = dijkstra(n, adj, src);

// Print the minimum distances from the source to all other vertices
for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
    console.log(`Minimum distance from vertex ${src} to ${i} is ${distances[i - 1]}`);

// Defining Pair class
class Pair {
    constructor(v, w) {
        this.vertex = v;
        this.weight = w;

Minimum distance from vertex 1 to 1 is 0
Minimum distance from vertex 1 to 2 is 3
Minimum distance from vertex 1 to 3 is 4
Minimum distance from vertex 1 to 4 is 6
Minimum distance from vertex 1 to 5 ...

Time Complexity: O(n2+m), where n is the number of vertices and m is the number of edges in the given graph.
Auxiliary Space: O(n)

2. Sparse Graph

 For Sparse Graph where m is very much smaller than n2, a slightly different implementation is used which is the most optimal in this case:

  • In above implementation of dense graph, for selecting the vertex v with smallest value of dis[v], we iterated over all the vertices leading to complexity of O(n) for this operation. Instead of this, we use a data structure (set or priority queue) to extract the vertex with minimum value of dis[v], leading to complexity of O(log n) for this operation.

Below is the implementation of above approach:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Dijkstra algorithm for sparse graphs
vector<int> dijkstra(int n,
                    vector<vector<pair<int, int> > >& adj,
                    int src)
    // priority_queue to store extract vertex with minimum
    // distance
    priority_queue<pair<int, int>, vector<pair<int, int> >,
                greater<pair<int, int> > >

    // Array to store minimum distances
    vector<int> dis(n + 1, INT_MAX);
    // Push the source vertex with a distance of 0
    p.push(make_pair(0, src));

    // Set the distance to the source as 0
    dis[src] = 0;

    while (!p.empty()) {
        int curr =;
        int l =;

        // Skip if this vertex has already been processed
        // with a shorter distance
        if (dis[curr] != l) {

        for (auto x : adj[curr]) {
            int d = x.first; // Neighbor vertex
            int len = x.second; // Edge weight

            // Update the distance if a shorter path is
            // found
            if (dis[d] > len + dis[curr]) {
                dis[d] = len + dis[curr];
                // Push the updated distance and vertex
                p.push(make_pair(dis[d], d));
    // Return the array of minimum distances
    return dis;

// Driver Code

int main()
    int n = 6; // Number of vertices
    // Adjacency list
    vector<vector<pair<int, int> > > adj(n + 1);

    // Example: adding edges to the adjacency list
    // Edge from vertex 1 to 2 with weight 3
    adj[1].push_back({ 2, 3 });
    // Edge from vertex 1 to 3 with weight 5
    adj[1].push_back({ 3, 5 });
    // Edge from vertex 2 to 3 with weight 1
    adj[2].push_back({ 3, 1 });
    // Edge from vertex 3 to 4 with weight 2
    adj[3].push_back({ 4, 2 });
    // Edge from vertex 2 to 4 with weight 7
    adj[2].push_back({ 4, 7 });

    int src = 1; // Source vertex

    vector<int> distances = dijkstra(n, adj, src);

    // Print the minimum distances from the source to all
    // other vertices
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        cout << "Minimum distance from vertex " << src
            << " to " << i << " is " << distances[i]
            << "\n";

    return 0;
import java.util.*;

public class Dijkstra {

    // Pair class to store vertex and weight
    static class Pair implements Comparable<Pair> {
        int vertex, weight;

        // Constructor
        public Pair(int vertex, int weight) {
            this.vertex = vertex;
            this.weight = weight;

        // Comparator for sorting in priority queue based on weight
        public int compareTo(Pair other) {
            return, other.weight);

    // Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest path from src to all other vertices
    public static ArrayList<Integer> dijkstra(int n, ArrayList<ArrayList<Pair>> adj, int src) {
        PriorityQueue<Pair> pq = new PriorityQueue<>();
        ArrayList<Integer> dis = new ArrayList<>(Collections.nCopies(n + 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE));
        // Initialize the source distance to 0 and add to priority queue
        dis.set(src, 0);
        pq.add(new Pair(src, 0));
        while (!pq.isEmpty()) {
            Pair curr = pq.poll(); // Get and remove the minimum weight pair
            int vertex = curr.vertex;
            int weight = curr.weight;
            // Skip processing if we have already found a better path
            if (dis.get(vertex) < weight) continue;
            // Explore all adjacent vertices
            for (Pair neighbour : adj.get(vertex)) {
                // Relaxation step: Check if a better path is found
                if (dis.get(neighbour.vertex) > weight + neighbour.weight) {
                    dis.set(neighbour.vertex, weight + neighbour.weight); // Update distance
                    pq.add(new Pair(neighbour.vertex, dis.get(neighbour.vertex))); // Add new pair to the queue

        return dis; // Return the list of minimum distances

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int n = 6; // Number of vertices
        ArrayList<ArrayList<Pair>> adj = new ArrayList<>();
        // Initialize adjacency list
        for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
            adj.add(new ArrayList<>());

        // Adding edges to the adjacency list
        adj.get(1).add(new Pair(2, 3));
        adj.get(1).add(new Pair(3, 5));
        adj.get(2).add(new Pair(3, 1));
        adj.get(3).add(new Pair(4, 2));
        adj.get(2).add(new Pair(4, 7));

        int src = 1; // Source vertex
        ArrayList<Integer> distances = dijkstra(n, adj, src); // Compute shortest paths

        // Print the distances
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
            System.out.println("Minimum distance from vertex " + src + " to " + i + " is " + distances.get(i));
import heapq

# Pair class to store vertex and weight
class Pair:
    def __init__(self, vertex, weight):
        self.vertex = vertex
        self.weight = weight
    # Comparator for sorting in priority queue based on weight
    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self.weight < other.weight

# Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest path from src to all other vertices
def dijkstra(n, adj, src):
    pq = []
    dis = [float('inf')] * (n + 1)
    # Initialize the source distance to 0 and add to priority queue
    dis[src] = 0
    heapq.heappush(pq, Pair(src, 0))
    while pq:
        curr = heapq.heappop(pq) # Get and remove the minimum weight pair
        vertex, weight = curr.vertex, curr.weight
        # Skip processing if we have already found a better path
        if dis[vertex] < weight:
        # Explore all adjacent vertices
        for neighbour in adj[vertex]:
            # Relaxation step: Check if a better path is found
            if dis[neighbour.vertex] > weight + neighbour.weight:
                dis[neighbour.vertex] = weight + neighbour.weight # Update distance
                heapq.heappush(pq, Pair(neighbour.vertex, dis[neighbour.vertex])) # Add new pair to the queue

    return dis # Return the list of minimum distances

if __name__ == "__main__":
    n = 6 # Number of vertices
    adj = [[] for _ in range(n + 1)]
    # Adding edges to the adjacency list
    adj[1].append(Pair(2, 3))
    adj[1].append(Pair(3, 5))
    adj[2].append(Pair(3, 1))
    adj[3].append(Pair(4, 2))
    adj[2].append(Pair(4, 7))

    src = 1 # Source vertex
    distances = dijkstra(n, adj, src) # Compute shortest paths

    # Print the distances
    for i in range(1, n + 1):
        print("Minimum distance from vertex {} to {} is {}".format(src, i, distances[i]))
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class DijkstraAlgorithm
    // Dijkstra algorithm for sparse graphs
    static List<int> Dijkstra(int n, List<List<Tuple<int, int>>> adj, int src)
        // Priority queue to store extracted vertex with minimum distance
        PriorityQueue<Tuple<int, int>> p = new PriorityQueue<Tuple<int, int>>();
        // Array to store minimum distances
        List<int> dis = new List<int>(new int[n + 1]);
        for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++)
            dis[i] = int.MaxValue;

        // Push the source vertex with a distance of 0
        p.Enqueue(new Tuple<int, int>(0, src));

        // Set the distance to the source as 0
        dis[src] = 0;

        while (p.Count > 0)
            int curr = p.Peek().Item2;
            int l = p.Peek().Item1;

            // Skip if this vertex has already been processed with a shorter distance
            if (dis[curr] != l)

            foreach (var x in adj[curr])
                int d = x.Item1; // Neighbor vertex
                int len = x.Item2; // Edge weight

                // Update the distance if a shorter path is found
                if (dis[d] > len + dis[curr])
                    dis[d] = len + dis[curr];
                    // Push the updated distance and vertex
                    p.Enqueue(new Tuple<int, int>(dis[d], d));
        // Return the array of minimum distances
        return dis;

    // Driver Code
    static void Main()
        int n = 6; // Number of vertices
        // Adjacency list
        List<List<Tuple<int, int>>> adj = new List<List<Tuple<int, int>>>(n + 1);

        // Initialize adjacency list
        for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++)
            adj.Add(new List<Tuple<int, int>>());

        // Example: adding edges to the adjacency list
        // Edge from vertex 1 to 2 with weight 3
        adj[1].Add(new Tuple<int, int>(2, 3));
        // Edge from vertex 1 to 3 with weight 5
        adj[1].Add(new Tuple<int, int>(3, 5));
        // Edge from vertex 2 to 3 with weight 1
        adj[2].Add(new Tuple<int, int>(3, 1));
        // Edge from vertex 3 to 4 with weight 2
        adj[3].Add(new Tuple<int, int>(4, 2));
        // Edge from vertex 2 to 4 with weight 7
        adj[2].Add(new Tuple<int, int>(4, 7));

        int src = 1; // Source vertex

        List<int> distances = Dijkstra(n, adj, src);

        // Print the minimum distances from the source to all other vertices
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            Console.WriteLine($"Minimum distance from vertex {src} to {i} is {distances[i]}");

// Priority Queue implementation
public class PriorityQueue<T>
    private List<T> heap;
    private Comparison<T> compare;

    public int Count { get { return heap.Count; } }

    public PriorityQueue() : this(Comparer<T>.Default) { }

    public PriorityQueue(IComparer<T> comparer) : this(16, comparer.Compare) { }

    public PriorityQueue(Comparison<T> comparison) : this(16, comparison) { }

    public PriorityQueue(int capacity, Comparison<T> comparison)
        this.heap = new List<T>(capacity); = comparison;

    public void Enqueue(T item)
        int i = Count - 1;
        while (i > 0)
            int j = (i - 1) / 2;
            if (compare(heap[j], item) <= 0)
            heap[i] = heap[j];
            i = j;
        heap[i] = item;

    public T Dequeue()
        T ret = heap[0];
        int last = Count - 1;
        T x = heap[last];
        int i = 0;
        while (i * 2 + 1 < last)
            int a = i * 2 + 1;
            int b = i * 2 + 2;
            if (b < last && compare(heap[a], heap[b]) > 0) a = b;
            if (compare(heap[a], x) >= 0)
            heap[i] = heap[a];
            i = a;
        heap[i] = x;
        return ret;

    public T Peek()
        return heap[0];
 class PriorityQueue {
    constructor() {
        this.queue = [];

    enqueue(vertex, weight) {
        this.queue.push({ vertex, weight });
        this.queue.sort((a, b) => a.weight - b.weight);

    dequeue() {
        return this.queue.shift();

    isEmpty() {
        return this.queue.length === 0;

function dijkstra(n, adj, src) {
    const p = new PriorityQueue();
    const dis = new Array(n + 1).fill(Number.MAX_VALUE);
    p.enqueue(src, 0);
    dis[src] = 0;

    while (!p.isEmpty()) {
        const { vertex: curr, weight: l } = p.dequeue();
        if (dis[curr] != l) {

        for (const { vertex: d, weight: len } of adj[curr]) {
            if (dis[d] > len + dis[curr]) {
                dis[d] = len + dis[curr];
                p.enqueue(d, dis[d]);

    return dis;

// Driver code
const n = 6; // Number of vertices
const adj = Array.from({ length: n + 1 }, () => []);

// Example: adding edges to the adjacency list
adj[1].push({ vertex: 2, weight: 3 });
adj[1].push({ vertex: 3, weight: 5 });
adj[2].push({ vertex: 3, weight: 1 });
adj[3].push({ vertex: 4, weight: 2 });
adj[2].push({ vertex: 4, weight: 7 });

const src = 1; // Source vertex

const distances = dijkstra(n, adj, src);

// Print the minimum distances from the source to all other vertices
for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
    console.log(`Minimum distance from vertex ${src} to ${i} is ${distances[i]}`);

Minimum distance from vertex 1 to 1 is 0
Minimum distance from vertex 1 to 2 is 3
Minimum distance from vertex 1 to 3 is 4
Minimum distance from vertex 1 to 4 is 6
Minimum distance from vertex 1 to 5 ...

Time Complexity: O(mlogn), where n is the number of vertices and m is the number of edges in the given graph.
Auxiliary Space: O(m)

Dijkstra’s Algorithm for Competitive Programming

Dijkstra’s algorithm, devised by computer scientist Edsger Dijkstra, is a fundamental graph search algorithm used to find the shortest path between nodes in a weighted graph. In this article, we will learn about how Dijkstra’s algorithm can be used for solving problems in Competitive Programming.

Table of Content

  • What is Dijkstra’s Algorithm?
  • Implementation of Dijkstra’s Algorithm
  • How to solve problems that involve Dijkstra’s Algorithm
  • Practice Problems on Dijkstra’s Algorithm for Competitive Programming

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Below are the few problems that will help to identify how or when can we apply Dijkstra’s Algorithm in competitive programming problem:...

Practice Problems on Dijkstra’s Algorithm for Competitive Programming:

Problem Problem Link Implementing Dijkstra’s Algorithm Practice Now Shortest Path Using Atmost One Curved Edge Practice Now Shortest Path in a weighted Graph where weight of an edge is 1 or 2 Practice Now Find minimum weight cycle in an undirected graph Practice Now Number of shortest paths in an Undirected Weighted Graph Practice Now Shortest paths from all vertices to a destination Practice Now Shortest path to reach one prime to other by changing single digit at a time Practice Now 1st to Kth shortest path lengths from node 1 to N in given Graph Practice Now Sum of shortest distance on source to destination and back having at least a common vertex Practice Now Minimum cost to convert a ‘1’ to a given number Practice Now...