Implementation of Eventual Consistency

Imagine you have a system where you want to store some information (like names and ages) but this system is split across many computers (nodes) to handle a lot of users. Each node has a copy of this information, and they need to stay in sync (consistent) with each other.

With eventual consistency, we’re okay with the information being slightly different on each node for a short time, as long as eventually (after some time), they all have the same correct information.

Below is the code of Eventual Consistency


#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std;
// Define a simple key-value store
unordered_map<string, string> kvStore;
// Mutex for thread safety
mutex mtx;
// Function to update a key-value pair
void updateKV(const string& key, const string& value) {
    // Simulate some time passing
    // Acquire lock to update the key-value store
    lock_guard<mutex> lock(mtx);
    kvStore[key] = value;
// Function to retrieve a value for a given key
string getKV(const string& key) {
    // Simulate some time passing
    // Acquire lock to read from the key-value store
    lock_guard<mutex> lock(mtx);
    if (kvStore.find(key) != kvStore.end()) {
        return kvStore[key];
    return "";
int main() {
    // Initialize the key-value store
    kvStore["name"] = "Alice";
    kvStore["age"] = "30";
    // Simulate concurrent updates
    vector<thread> threads;
    threads.emplace_back(updateKV, "name", "Bob");
    threads.emplace_back(updateKV, "age", "35");
    // Simulate concurrent reads
    threads.emplace_back([]() { cout << "Name: " << getKV("name") << endl; });
    threads.emplace_back([]() { cout << "Age: " << getKV("age") << endl; });
    // Wait for all threads to finish
    for (auto& t : threads) {
    // Output the final state of the key-value store
    cout << "Final state:" << endl;
    for (auto it = kvStore.begin(); it != kvStore.end(); ++it) {
        cout << it->first << ": " << it->second << endl;
    return 0;

Below is the explanation of above code:

  • Define Global Variables:
    • kvStore: An unordered map used as a key-value store to store string key-value pairs.
    • mtx: A mutex used for thread safety to protect concurrent access to kvStore.
  • updateKV Function:
    • Simulates an update operation by updating a key-value pair in kvStore with a delay of 100 milliseconds.
    • Acquires a lock on the mtx mutex before updating to ensure only one thread can update the store at a time.
  • getKV Function:
    • Simulates a read operation by reading a key-value pair from kvStore with a delay of 50 milliseconds.
    • Acquires a lock on the mtx mutex before reading to ensure only one thread can read from the store at a time.
  • Main Function:
    • Initializes the key-value store kvStore with some initial values.
    • Creates threads to simulate concurrent updates and reads to the store.
    • Waits for all threads to finish using join().
    • Outputs the final state of the key-value store.

Eventual Consistency in Distributed Systems | Learn System Design

Consistency in a distributed system refers to the property that the data stored on different nodes of the system is always in agreement with each other. In other words, all nodes in the system have the same view of the data at all times.

Important Topics for the Eventual Consistency in Distributed Systems

  • What is the Importance of Data Consistency?
  • What is Eventual Consistency?
  • Characteristics of Eventual Consistency
  • Real-Life Example of Eventual Consistency
  • How Eventual Consistency works?
  • Use-Cases of Eventual Consistency
  • Impact of Eventual Consistency on (System performance, Scalability, and Availability)
  • Differences between Eventual Consistency and Strong Consistency
  • Implementation of Eventual Consistency
  • Benefits of Eventual Consistency
  • Challenges of Eventual Consistency

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What is Eventual Consistency?

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How Eventual Consistency works?

Write: A client sends a write request to a single replica (server node). Local Update: The replica immediately commits the update locally, making it accessible to local reads. Replication: The updated data is then sent asynchronously to other replicas through a chosen mechanism, like: Message Queue: The update is pushed onto a queue, and different replicas pull and apply updates at their own pace. Replication Protocol: A specific protocol dictates how updates are exchanged and applied, ensuring correctness and avoiding conflicts. Gossip Protocol: Replicas periodically exchange information about their data, eventually converging to a consistent state. Inconsistency Window: During replication, different replicas might hold different versions of the data, creating an “inconsistency window.” This window varies based on factors like: Network Latency: How long it takes messages to travel between replicas. Replication Frequency: How often updates are sent and received. Workload: The overall load on the system can impact replication speed. Convergence: Eventually, all replicas receive and apply the update, closing the inconsistency window and achieving consistency....

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Impact of Eventual Consistency on (System performance, Scalability, and Availability)

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Differences between Eventual Consistency and Strong Consistency

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Implementation of Eventual Consistency

Imagine you have a system where you want to store some information (like names and ages) but this system is split across many computers (nodes) to handle a lot of users. Each node has a copy of this information, and they need to stay in sync (consistent) with each other....

Benefits of Eventual Consistency


Challenges of Eventual Consistency

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