Implementation to read a file from the classpath in Java

Project Structure:

  • In the above Project Structure, we have created Java Project JavaFilesClassPath inside my workingSet Java.
  • Created a Package com.JavaClassPath consists of the class
  • Also Created a file MyFile.txt text file in the same project.

Content inside Text File:

Below we can see the content inside the text file.


How to Read a File From the Classpath in Java?

Reading a file from the classpath concept in Java is important for Java Developers to understand. It is important because it plays a crucial role in the context of Resource Loading within applications. In Java, we can read a file from the classpath by using the Input Stream class. By loading the class which has the file inside it we can read the content of the file.

In this article, we will explore how to read a file from the classpath in Java.

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