Implementing BFS Traversal in C++

Here, we will discuss the BFS Traversal for a graph which is almost similar to the BFS traversal of a tree but the difference is tree doesn’t contain cycles whereas a graph can have cycles so while traversing we may come to the same node again. To handle such a situation we categorize each vertex into two categories:

  1. Visited
  2. Not Visited

We will use a boolean visited array to mark all the visited vertices that lead to breath-first exploration.

Algorithm for BFS Traversal

  1. Select a starting vertex
  2. Create a queue and enqueue the starting vertex.
  3. First, mark the selected start vertex as visited and add it to the visited array.
  4. While the queue is not empty perform the following operations:
    • Dequeue a vertex, print it.
    • Take the dequeued node and for each unvisited neighbor of that node
      • Insert all its unvisited adjacent vertices in the queue and mark them as visited.
  5. Repeat the above step 4 until the queue is empty.

C++ Program for BFS Traversal

In C++, breadth First Search (BFS) is a method used to navigate through tree or graph data structures. It begins at the starting point or any chosen node, within the structure. Examines the neighboring nodes at the current level before progressing to nodes, at deeper levels.. In this article, we will learn the BFS traversal in C++, the implementation of the BFS traversal algorithm, and applications of the BFS algorithm.

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