Import Table

Display the first eight rows of the table after specifying the variables to be obtained and importing them with read table.





Define Import Options for Table in MATLAB

The import tool lets you import into a table or another type of data. Take into consideration reading data from the sample spreadsheet file patients.xls into MATLAB as a table. Open the file with the Import Tool, select the output format and date range, and save. After you click the Import Selection button, the data will be imported into the MATLAB workspace. Tabular data can be imported into MATLAB Workspace and the SimBiology Model Analyzer app. Supported file extensions include Excel® files (.xls,.xlsx), SAS XPORT files (.xpt), and text files (.csv,.txt). You can also specify that the data come from a file formatted. During the import process, the NONMEM definitions are used to interpret the columns.

Import Tool in MATLAB:

Click Import Data in the Variable section of the Home tab. A different option is to right-click the file name in the Current Folder browser and select Import Data. Import Tool starts up.

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Define Import Options for Table:

Importing tables requires using the read table function. However, there are occasions when importing tabular data calls for additional control over the import process. You might want to select the variables that will be used to import rows with data that is missing or causes errors. To control the import process, you can create an import options object. The object’s properties can be changed to meet your import requirements....

Import Table
