Importance of Artificial Intelligence

Today, the amount of data in the world is so humongous that humans fall short of absorbing, interpreting, and making decisions of the entire data. This complex decision-making requires higher cognitive skills than human beings. This is why we’re trying to build machines better than us, in these task. Another major characteristic that AI machines possess but we don’t is repetitive learning. Let consider an example of how Artificial Intelligence is important to us. Data that is fed into the machines could be real-life incidents. How people interact, behave and react ? etc. So, in other words, machines learn to think like humans, by observing and learning from humans. That’s precisely what is called Machine Learning which is a subfield of AI.  Humans are observed to find repetitive tasks highly boring. Accuracy is another factor in which we humans lack. Machines have extremely high accuracy in the tasks that they perform. Machines can also take risks instead of human beings. AI is used in various fields like: 

  • Health Care
  • Retail
  • Manufacturing
  • Banking etc.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a discussed subject, in today’s fast-moving world. It has transitioned from being a concept in science fiction to a reality that impacts our daily lives. People all over the world are fascinated by AI and its ability to bring their imaginations to work in their daily lives.

In this article, we will know about What is Artificial Intelligence?, its evolution, various types of AI, training models, benefits.

What is Artificial Intelligence ?

Table of Content

  • What is Artificial Intelligence?
  • Examples of Artificial Intelligence
  • Importance of Artificial Intelligence
  • What are the types of Artificial intelligence?
  • How Does AI Work ?
  • What are the applications of AI?
  • What will be the future of AI?

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Importance of Artificial Intelligence

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