Importance of Figures of Speech

It adds to the writing’s charm. It deepens the statement and left the reader with a feeling of awe. It breathes life into the author’s words. The figure of Speech not just demonstrates the writer’s objective, but also shows his motivation for adopting such language. It enhances the text and makes it much more engaging for the reader.

Figures of Speech: Definition, Types & Examples

All language is guided by rules, but to strengthen a single sentence or a set of words, these basic laws of communication are deliberately broken, and additional principles of communication are triggered, providing the single phrase or a set of words a unique formation. when a phrase or a set of words is still not true to reality, these are Figures of speech that emphasize the important truth of sentences.

Table of Content

  • What is Figures of Speech
  • Definition of Figures of Speech
  • Figure of Speech Meaning
  • Types of Figures of Speech
  • 20 Figures of Speech With Examples
  • A Figure of Speech Chart
  • Classification of Figures of Speech
  • Importance of Figures of Speech

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20 Figures of Speech With Examples

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A Figure of Speech Chart

Type Definition Example Simile A phrase that differentiates two things Gresham runs like a horse Metaphor Two dissimilar things are compared You are my rainbow personification The representation of non-living objects things etc. Leaves were dancing in the rain Apostrophe Refers to absent or inanimate objects as if they were real. It’s a sunny day Oxymoron  Two words are used within a sentence and yet appear to conflict with one another Amitabh Bachchan acts naturally. Hyperbole Used to create something that looks much bigger or more significant than it is. My mom is my Goddess. Alliteration  The sequence of phrases that begin with a similar letter. My favorite fruit is fig. Onomatopoeia  The Phrase is employed to explain a sound. The cat meow as Riya calls her...

Classification of Figures of Speech

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Importance of Figures of Speech

It adds to the writing’s charm. It deepens the statement and left the reader with a feeling of awe. It breathes life into the author’s words. The figure of Speech not just demonstrates the writer’s objective, but also shows his motivation for adopting such language. It enhances the text and makes it much more engaging for the reader....

Figures of Speech- FAQs

Q1. What are Figure of Speech?...